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imagine justin getting ready for an interview and he’s getting his hair fixed and his clothes ready and everything but them his makeup person is all “justin, you need chapstick” — because i mean, you don’t get kissable lips like that without work — and just when his makeup person is about to get him some chapstick, justin says “oh, wait, i got this.” hesitantly, his makeup lady walks away, leaving justin to take care of his lips himself when he calls you over and your so confused but then when you ask him why he called you, all he says is that he needs chapstick and opens the tube and smears is all over your lips, leaving them ridiculously shiny and overly glossy and just when your about to use your hand to wipe it off, justin puts his lips on yours, molding them together — and effectively, moisturizing his lips with the chapstick. and when you pull away, your roll your eyes, but he just stands there with that stupid smirk that gets you to do anything he wants you too and says “thanks for helping he ready babe” before kissing your still shiny lips one more time and heading off to his interview.

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