strip club chaos

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Justin and you was cuddling on the couch as you flipped through the channels on the TV. “What do you want to watch?” you asked. “I don’t care.” Justin breathed. you  leaned up and kissed his cheek, “Okay.” you  stopped on TMZ when you saw Justin’s face on the screen.

"Oh, babe.. Don’t watch this." Justin said, trying to take the remote out of my hands. you pulled the remote away and turned up the volume as you stood up. "Justin Bieber’s recent strip club incident! He showed up at the Texas club in nothing but pants, but those were pulled down. No shirt, but he still got service.. One of the strippers tweeted ‘He touched my butt.. you nearly fainted!’ The other tweeted ‘He definitely made it rain..’ you  wonder what (y/n) thinks about Justin’s little actions?" 

your mouth fell and Justin ran over to the TV and turned it off. “What the fuck..” you said. “(y/n)..” Justin touched your arm. you flinched away, “What the fuck!” “They have it all wrong. You know that. They are just trying to make me look bad..” He explained.

you rolled my eyes, “You went to a strip club. Had a lap dance too I’m guessing.” “Stop.” Justin told you. “No. I’m not going to stop. This isn’t okay. You have a girlfriend!” “I know!” “And you touched another girl’s ass.” you walked to the door.

Justin grabbed your hand and pulled me back, “Baby. Stop. Let me explain, please.” you crossed your arms and nodded, “Fine.” We sat back down on the couch and Justin took my hands into his. “Go.” you said. 

"i went to the Texas strip club, I’m not going to deny that. We only went because Tyga said the girls there are known for leaving marks.." Justin started. "So you went? What the fuck??" you butted in. "Ugh. We went because Tyga wanted to. I tried saying no but they forced me to go.. Anyway, we’re at the club and Scooter tells me we should go and that you wouldn’t like this. I agreed but Tyga pulled me into a chair and two girls came to my sides. They began to strip.. Tyga forced my hand onto one of their asses so they would do more." Justin continued.

you cut him off, “I can’t..” you got up and headed for the door once again. “Babe, please don’t go!” Justin yelled. you turned, tears flowing down my cheeks, “No, Justin! No! You could’ve gotten up any time to leave. You didn’t have to stay! Who cares what Tyga wanted to do! You had your girlfriend to think about, but instead you wanted to jeopardize that part of your life.” 

Justin didn’t have a response, he just stood there, expressionless. you turned back around and opened the door. you turned to him one last time, “I hope you’re happy.” you walked out the door, slamming it behind you.

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now