Period imagines

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Today was the day my period was coming. I was in such a pissy mood cause Justin wasn’t home yet. I went in my bedroom and sat on the bed. My stomach started to hurt so I took a nap. I woke up about an hour later when I started getting really bad cramps.

"What the fuck I hate being a girl!"

I rolled all over the bed trying to stop the pain. Justin came in the bedroom and saw me.

"Hey you alright babe?"

He lightly rubbed my back.

"No I’m not alright. You wouldn’t be if you had to go through this every month either. It sucks."

"Don’t worry I’ll take care of you."

I got up to change my tampon.

"Justin! I only have one left!"

"Calm down sweetie ill get you more."

Justin quickly put his sneakers on and grabbed his car keys. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you (y/n). I’ll be fast."

I was too cranky to answer.

I went in the shower to kill time before Justin came back home. The hot water hitting my back really calmed me down. I got out of the shower and got changed. Justin still wasn’t here yet. I went down stairs and went straight out the front door to wait for Justin. I was confused when I saw that his car was already here.

"Why didn’t he come upstairs?" I whispered to myself.

I went back inside and went to the living room. He wasn’t there. He wasn’t in the kitchen either. I went to his music room but still no sign of Justin. I heard someone walking around so I started making my way up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Baby? You didn’t have too!"

I walked in to find Justin holding a teddy bear that said “I love you” and he had some of my favorite candy. Reese’s, blow pops, and sour gummy worms scattered all over the bed. I ran over to him and hugged him.

"You know you didn’t have to do this for me Justin."

"I’d do anything for my princess"

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. I changed my tampon, then me and Justin cuddled on the bed and ate candy. ;)

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now