who know

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You and Justin laid down on your bed talking, like you had always done whenever you hung out. He was your best friend and you could tell each other anything. You were also best friends with Chaz, Ryan and Za, but you and Justin were definitely the closest out of the friend group. Recently, you and Justin had been kind of flirting with each other. It was just friendly and harmless but it was fun. 

“Do you like anyone?” Justin blurted out. 

“No.” you said simply. 

“Oh.” he nodded. “Same.”

Justin had been acting kind of weird lately, you weren’t sure why. He gets in weird moods sometimes though, so you brushed it off like it was nothing. You guys were waiting for the boys to come over so you guys could go swimming. 

“Okay, I’m going to change into my bikini now.” you said, walking to the bathroom and grabbing your black string bikini on the way.

“Alright, I’ll change too.” he said. 

You went into the bathroom and changed. Before stepping out, you took your hair down from the bun it was in and it fell to a collection of soft waves. You pushed your boobs up in the bikini so Justin would notice. You don’t know what was coming over you but all of the sudden you felt the urge to impress Justin. You gave yourself an approving nod before heading back out to your bedroom. 

“Hey.” you said to Justin who was turned around on your computer. 

“H-” he said turning around. “Holy shit, hey.”

You blushed. This was the kind of flirting you guys had been doing. The kind that makes you feel good but its not like he’s leading you on. You liked it because even though you could see yourself with Justin, you don’t think he felt the same way, so it was fun to just flirt a little. Your phone vibrated with a text from Chaz saying that they were here. 

“Let’s go.” you smiled at him and headed downstairs. 

As you walked downstairs, you heard their voices coming from the backyard. Classic. They let themselves in and made themselves at home. They each had a drink in their hands as they sat by the pool.

“Hey dudes.” you said, throwing your towel onto the chair beside you. 

They all stared at you for a couple seconds before they said anything to you. It was obvious they were checking you out. You knew it didn’t mean anything, they were just being guys. Justin came up behind you. 

“Oh, look at the lovebirds.” Za said. 

“Shut up.” Justin said, shaking his head while hanging his arms around your shoulders. 

Za had a point. Justin was kinda draping himself over you like a boyfriend would. You loved it. You couldn’t get ahead of yourself though, he was just your best friend who you flirted with. You erased the thought from your mind and walked towards the pool with Justin. 

“You gonna go in?” he asked, watching you as you felt the temperature. 

“Yeah. Let’s go in together.” you said smiling.

“Okay. Ready?” he said, grabbing your hand. 

You counted down from 3 and when he jumped, you let go of his hand so he was alone in the pool. He surfaced. 

“Oh fuck you!” he yelled, shaking his head. 

You giggled. He looked so hot right now. He grabbed your hand and pulled you in and you screamed. 

“Justin!” you said coming up from the water. 

He was just laughing at you. You shoved him back but he grabbed your arm and pulled you close. Your faces were inches away from each other. You looked into each others eyes and he began to slowly, but surely, lean in. 

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now