Paint my nails

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Justin's POV
It was around 10 pm when I was laying on the couch. My girl was sitting on the floor by me, absent-mindedly painting her nails while watching tv. How can one look so angelic while doing something as simple as painting nails?
I looked down at my nails and came up with an idea.
"Will you paint my nails, babe?" I asked.
She immediately stopped what she was doing and whipped her head around to look at me.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS, BABE??" She asked with such excitement.
How can someone be so adorable, yet fine at the same time?? I'd have to ask how she does it. I started to laugh. She was excited to paint my nails?
After hearing my laughter, she scoffed and turned back around, continuing to paint her nails and mumble something under her breath.
"Don't fucking play with me, Justin.. I thought you were serious, but you're so... ugh!"
"No, seriously, baby! Paint my nails! Paint my nails, babe!" oooh see what I did there? :)
"YAYYYY! But you'll have to wait until mine are dried! THIS IS EXCITING I ALWAYS WANTED TO PAINT A GUY'S NAILS!!" My girl exclaimed, wiggling a little on the floor, then cursing silently because she ended up messing up one of her nails.
15 minutes passes and she was now painting my nails. I asked her to paint them black, and she asked if I wanted them painted black because I wanted to "be black".
"Ha ha. Very funny, babe." I said, rolling my eyes.
"Aw it's okayyy baby! I think it's cute that you wanna be just like me!" She replied, kissing my cheek and laughing.
After she did one hand, I posted it on Shots and captioned it, "Nails on fleek".
"Wow and NOW you're stealing my phrases? Justin... sweetie... being black is fabulous, but it's not for everyone!" She laughed after seeing my blank expression.
"If my nails were dry, I'd hit you right now!" I said, laughing along with her.
"No, but seriously. Thanks for letting me paint your nails. Guys are so... ugh about that type of thing, ya know?" She stated in a more serious tone.
"I don't see what's bad about it I mean, it's just nails..." I replied in a tone that matched hers.
She smiled at my reply. Such a soft, beautiful smile formed just by my simple words. It was true, though. I never understood why guys made such a big deal out of getting their nails painted. Like, it's ot gonna kill you, and if your girl asks to paint them, always give her what she wants!
"And that's why I love my lil open-minded white chocolate!" She expressed, leaving many kisses on my face.
"Ayyee! You're gonna mess up my nails!" I yelled, laughing because I knew this kiss attack wouldn't end.
"Oh shut up and kiss me!"
Maybe I should get my nails painted more often.

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