He is perfect

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*Your POV*

          I stood in the baby blue nursery. I wanted to double check that everything was in order so it will be ready when we take our first son home. Me and Justin were so excited to bring our first baby home. We were, by standards a young couple, only been married a year. Justin had always wanted a lot of kids seeing as he grew up lonely. I stood lightly rubbing a hand over my ballooning belly. I loved kids but being pregnant was quite draining. The excitement of meeting someone who grew inside you for 9 months is perfect. I just hope he has ten fingers and toes and is healthy. Justin was wrapping an album so he would be done when our son was born. I heard him stomp up the stairs.

"(Y/N)?" He called out. He had become quite protective over me since we found out I was pregnant. He monitored me like a hawk always asking if I was okay and if this or that would hurt the baby. I love him for that but it was sometimes over whelming with him constantly breathing down my neck.

"In the nursery!" I called back. I heard him begin to make his way to me. He walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist so they were resting right under my large stomach.

"How are you love?" He asked pecking my cheek.

"Good. Just making sure everything was perfect." I smiled turning so I could face him.

"Its' perfect (Y/N). Now stop stressing, it's not good for you or the baby." He smiled kissing my forehead.

"I know, but he could be here any day now and I want him to be nice and comfy when we bring him home." I smiled looking around again making sure everything was still perfect.

"Come on, let's eat dinner." Justin said reaching for my hand. I placed my hand in his and he guided me down stairs. I sat on the couch while he cooked for me and we chatted about baby names and how it will feel to be parents. He served me ice cream while we watched a movie on the couch.

"What if im not a good mom." I suddenly said, it was a thought I had had for a while. I guess that's every parents fear: to fail their child.

"You will be a great mother (Y/N)." He said looking at me with love. "I know because you are a great person and I love you so how could he not, he is part of me." Justin said placing a hand gingerly on my stomach.

"I guess you are right." I smiled, Justin always knew what to say to make me feel better.

"I'm sleepy." I said through a yawn. Justin grabbed my bowl and set it on the counter before walking over and scooping me off the couch carrying me bridal style to our bedroom. He placed me lightly on the bed before turning out the light. After what felt like hours of trying to get comfortable with my big belly, we settled down and drifted to sleep

          I felt the sharp pain in my lower abdomen and back and slowly woke up. I looked at the clock to see it was 2am. I felt another jolt. Was this what contractions felt like? I felt another jolt and decided to wake Justin.

"Justin, babe." I said lightly pushing his shoulder.

"Huh, what. Whats wrong?" He asked sleepily, he looked so cute with his messy hair.

"I think I'm having contractions." I said. At the word contractions, Justin jumped up and frantically looked around.

"Is it time?" He asked panicked, first parent jitters. I laughed at his silliness as he ran around the room getting a bag ready. I slowly got up from the bed earning another shock.

"Time to meet you baby boy." I smiled placing a hand on my stomach. Justin grabbed my hand and helped me to the car. He held my hand all the way there squeezing it ever so often to make sure I was alright. Pretty soon we were in the hospital room. I winced as another contraction shot through my body, they were getting more intense.

"You alright?" Justin as, he was sitting by myside sqeezing my hand tightly. He refused to leave my side since we arrived, I literally had to fight him so he would go to the bathroom before he would pee himself.

"Yeah, just painful." I gave him a small smile. Finally I was able to get some medicine to relieve the pain and I sat and talked to Justin about what was going to happen in a few short hours.

"Okay she is ready to push." The nurse said as she checked how dilated I was. I looked at Justin who smiled at me. She called for the doctor who came in.

"On three give me a big push. 1,2,3!" She said and I pushed as hard as I could squeezing Justin's hand tight.

"Push baby push! You got this." Justin said encouraging me. After 45 minutes of pushing I heard the tiniest cry ever.

"He is so handsome! Oh (Y/N) I'm so proud of you." Justin said beaming at me.  I couldn't see our son but I knew he was perfect. I was exhausted but it was worth it. Justin's eyes lit up when the nurse let him cut the umbilical cord. They weighed him and informed us he was as healthy as could be.

"Heres your son." The nurse smiled as she handed me the tiniest thing I had ever seen.

"Oh Justin he is perfect." I exclaimed when I saw our son for the first time. His little scrunched up face and tiny fingers. He was everything I ever wanted.

"Perfect like you." Justin smiled kissing my head. "What should we name him?"

"How about (Y/S/N)?"

"That's perfect." Justin agreed. We sat there just looking at him and caring for his every need. Until it was late and time for sleep.

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now