Back to you

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“(Y/N)!.” Justin yelled as you walked out the front door and slammed it behind you. 

You had just gotten into a massive fight about how he is never home anymore. He didn’t get that you needed attention too. You weren’t just some girl that would wait around for whenever he wanted to be home. You were committed to him and you wanted that same commitment shown back to you. You just needed a night to yourself. You called your friend and asked to stay at her house for the night. 

Once you were at her house, you told her everything that had happened. She convinced you that it was just temporary and that you should go back over in the morning. She really cheered you up about the whole situation. You guys ended up having some wine and watching movies together, having a really fun time. 

You woke up with a knot in your stomach. You knew you had to face Justin today and most likely apologize to him for your actions yesterday. You sighed, knowing you had no choice. You said goodbye to your friend and headed towards Justin’s home. It felt like your home since you practically lived there. You pulled up to the driveway, got out and knocked on the door. Normally, you would just walk in, but you didn’t feel like you guys were on good enough terms for that. Justin answered. He looked horrible. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair was a mess and he was so pale. 

“Hi.” you said, looking him up and down.

“Hey, come in.” he said, rubbing his eyes. 

He closed the door behind you and the scent of alcohol smacked you in the face. He had obviously been drinking and was now super hungover. 

“I see you drank a lot last night.” you said. 

“Yup. Don’t remember.” he said, getting water. 

You were just about to start your apology when something caught your eye. You walked towards the living room and squinted to see what was sitting on the table. It was an earring. A woman’s earring. You were confused. Who’s was it? You then saw a whole pile of jewelry laying on the couch. All women’s jewelry. It wasn’t yours. Your heart sank as you came to a realization. 

“Justin.” you yelled. “Are you kidding me?” you said, grabbing the jewelry and holding up so he can see.  

"(y/n), I can explain.” he said, after a long pause. 

“Yeah, please do.” you said, crossing your arms. 

“I was really drunk and I was lonely and I thought you were gone forever. I just needed a temporary fix.” he said, his head hanging low.

“So you cheated on me? You admit it?” you questioned.

He nodded his head slowly. 

“I’m so sorry.” he said quietly.

“Justin, I left for one night and you fucking cheat on me?” you yell. 

“I got drunk. I don’t remember why I thought it was a good idea to do that. Please, (y/n). I don’t want you to leave again.” he said, looking up at you. 

“Too late.” you said, grabbing your purse and storming out. 

Tears streamed down your face as you drove to your parents house. It was a 3 hour drive and cried the whole way. You felt so betrayed and hurt. He said he loved you. He cared about you. Now it feels like all of that was just a lie. Justin had called you over 50 times in time that you had been driving. You ignored them all and kept your eyes on the road. 


A week later

You were on your phone checking Instagram when you saw that Justin had tagged you in a photo. You were hesitant to open it but you did anyway. It was a picture of Justin kissing you on the beach with the caption, “You will always be my number one.” Word hadn’t gotten out about you and Justin, people thought you were still together. You wanted it that way incase anything happened between you two. You sighed and put your phone away.

Two weeks had passed since he posted that picture of you two on Instagram. That was just the start of Justin’s efforts to get you back. He sent flowers all the time to your work, arranged massages for you, had someone come to your house and do your nails for you, sent you wine and gifts. The boy had done just about everything to try and get you back. One day, you felt the need to talk to him in person so you decided to call and try and workout a time where you guys could meet up. 

“Hey, it’s me.” you said. 

“(y/n).” he said, “It’s so good to hear your voice. Why did you ignore my calls?” he asked. 

“Listen, we need to talk. When are you free?” you said, ignoring his question.

“Right now. The rest of today. Tomorrow. I’ll clear my schedule if it means I get to see you, (y/n).” he said. 

“Okay, I’m coming over. See you in 3 hours.” you said before hanging up. 

You pulled up to Justin’s house and your heart sank. You were so nervous to speak to him. You still loved him so much and it made you so happy that he went so far to try and get you back. You hated pretending like you didn’t care whenever you’d talk to him but you didn’t want to seem weak. You got out of the car and knocked. Justin immediately answered. 

“Come in.” he smiled. 

You stepped in and walked to the kitchen. You got yourself some water and sat at the table. He came in and sat across from you. He just stared at you. You could tell he still felt so bad for everything that had happened.

“Thank you for all the gifts, flowers and massages.” you said. 

“It was the least I could do.” he looked at you. 

“Justin, I just don’t get how you could do that to me. I don’t want to hear anything about you not remembering. It’s done. It happened. We can’t change that. I just hope you know how much it hurt me and how much I cried.” you said. 

“(y/n), I do know how much it hurt you and I have been beating myself up over this for the past 3 weeks. You don’t understand how sorry I am. I love you so much and the last thing I would ever want to do is lose you, (y/n).” he said. “You’re my princess, my everything. You know how much I care about you. I just want to show you that I am not that asshole I was 3 weeks ago. Please.”

You sighed. He was begging. Begging to have you back. You wanted to take him back, you really did. You just couldn’t get the thought of him with another girl out of your head. It made you sick. He was so genuine with his apology though. You could tell in his face. 

“I just really want to see a change.” you said. 

“(y/n). You will. I am going to change. I have changed. Please. One more chance.” he said, moving closer to you. 

You bit your lip looking at him. You paused for a good 5 minutes, thinking of what decision you were going to make. 

“One more chance. That’s it.” you said, lowly.

“Baby, thank you so much.” he said, pulling you into a hug. “I will show you how you truly deserve to be treated, (y/n). I love you so much.” 

You hoped he was right. 

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