Breakfast Help

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You're in the kitchen stiring the pancake mix and humming to yourself. You're so lost in your own little world that you didn't even hear Justin come down the stairs and into the kitchen. You only feel "someone" wrap their arms around your waist. You were startled at first but once Justin rested his chin on your shoulder you relaxed.
"Didn't mean to scare you." He mumbled. You giggled, "It's fine." After a while of silence Justin spoke, "Do you need some help?" He reached his hands forward and laid them on top of yours, stiring the mix with you. "You can pour this into the pan." You stopped stiring and turned around to look up at him. He smiled and grabbed the bowl and then went over to the stove. You watched him as he tried to make perfect circles with the pancake mix, his head slightly tilted to the side with concentration. You walked over to him and laid 4 strips of bacon beside the pancakes. "Can we have eggs, too?" Justin asked, sitting the empty bowl into the sink. You nodded and handed him another mixing bowl. He grabbed 3 eggs out of the fridge and began separating them. As you were taking the now finished pancakes out of the pan, Justin reached over you and poured the egg mix in, making you drop a pancake on the floor. "Justin!" You picked it up. Justin grabbed the pancake out of your hand. "30 second rule." He said before biting it. You laughed and playfully hit his shoulder. "I think the bacon is finished." Justin said while stuffing the rest of the pancake in his mouth. He sat the bacon on 2 plates and waited for the eggs to finish before sitting them on plates. The 2 of you enjoyed your breakfast in bed and a chill, relaxed day filled with cuddling.

Justin Bieber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now