only one

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You screamed at Justin for what seemed to be the millionth time. You guys had been arguing for the past week over the dumbest things like what car you could take, what to have for dinner, why you follow someone on Instagram. It was all so pointless and you had enough of it. 

“Justin, oh my god. Do you realize how stupid this is? Seriously.” you said, giving up. 

“No, it’s not stupid. Okay? It hurt my feelings.” he said. 

“You’re hurt because I didn’t come to the studio to see you when you were only there for an hour? Justin, you were coming home right afterwards! I was going to see you when you came home. Relax.” you said, turning around and walking to the kitchen. 

“You don’t even care about me.” he mumbled. 

You were so fed up. You didn’t care about being reasonable and nice anymore. He was being so ridiculous and you couldn’t take it anymore. 

“Are you serious? I don’t care about you? You think that I don’t care about you because I didn’t fucking come to the studio to see you when you were only there for an hour? Alright. I’m done. I’m fucking leaving. You are actually so immature I can’t handle it.” you said, storming upstairs and packing your things. 

“Y/N, what are you doing? You’re not leaving.” he said as he followed you. 

“Really? Watch me.” you said, shoving the last of your clothes in your suitcase. 

You zipped up the suitcase and threw it on the floor. You grabbed your laptop, purse and phone as well. You looked him up and down once more before trudging back downstairs with the suitcase ungraciously going down the steps behind you. 

“Wow.” he said.

“Wow? No, what’s “wow” is the fact that you got mad at me earlier in the week for not making you fucking spaghetti.” you laughed sarcastically. “You’re 21, not 4 years old.” 

“Y/N, please. Don’t do this. Don’t go.” he said, changing his tone. 

“No. I can’t handle getting yelled at for something new everyday.” you said turning to him. “I can’t do this.”

He looked down, wiping a tear from his eye. He knew he had screwed up but it’s Justin, he didn’t want to admit that. He nodded before stepping away from you, letting you have your space. You did feel bad for doing this but you needed to get out. You had so much unneeded anxiety and stress on you because Justin kept getting mad about little things. 

“Bye, Justin.” you said before leaving. 

You cried your whole way home. You didn’t know if this was permanent but you definitely needed time away from Justin. Time for yourself. Time to heal and focus on your own life. You needed to only be concerned about your own problems and not anyone else’s. You finally made it home and told your mom everything. She agreed with your choice but that didn’t make you feel that much better. All you wanted was Justin but you knew that you needed your space. 

Over the next couple of weeks, Justin only contacted you twice. Both about small things on how to cook a certain meal and what ingredients he needed. You knew that it was just an excuse to talk to him. He sounded weaker and weaker each time you heard him speak whether it be on the phone or on TV during an interview. He was definitely having a hard time with the breakup. He also looked very tired and unhealthy whenever you saw pictures of him running errands. His eyes had dark circles around them and he had started to lose weight in his face. You grew concerned but you knew he had people that would step in if he was seriously ill. 

It had been a month since you and Justin split. You hadn’t contacted each other at all. He still crossed your mind every single day, more than once. You did miss him but you felt so much better. You felt free and confident. You knew what you needed to do for yourself in order to be happy. You were out shopping when you got a call from Ryan, Justin’s best friend. 

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