the one i truly love - part 2.

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Your point of view:

I finally reached home and put my bag down to the side as I made my way up to my room. I tried with everything I had in me but I just couldn’t hold the tears back anymore.

I don’t understand how someone could be so selfish. Breaking a heart to gain another.

Justin had used me to get back to Selena, he never really cared, he just thought that I’d be the perfect one to make her jealous. It hurt but the lyrics in the song made it a whole lot worse.

The words managed to jam themself into my head and got stuck there, just left to linger in my thoughts.

He never referred to me as anything but a distraction. He sung about how the smile he had on his face when he was with me was fake, about how he never got the same feeling looking at me when he did with Selena.

I cant believe that I was so stupid and so blind to even realise the lack of interest reflecting off of him whenever we were together. I payed more attention to the captivating smile on his face…the smile that wasn’t meant for me.

I wiped away my tears but I didn’t really see the point as new ones replaced them. I shouldn’t be crying over him but the feelings I developed for him grew too strong to be ignored.

I didn’t really get to the stage where I fell in love, but for me there was something there, something that’s now been crushed and left to cry away all of the sorrow.

I got up and made my way to the closet. I picked out a nice warm sweater, a pair sweatpants and my beanie. I changed my clothes and made my way back downstairs to watch some TV.

It didn’t really help to get my mind off of things but it’s better than sitting up in my room crying into my pillow.

It wasn’t just about what I felt for Justin. It was just the thought of being used, not being cared for.

It’s humiliating just falling for someone more and more everyday whilst everyone else around you just laughs at your petty feelings. It hurts knowing that it was all a lie…

After watching about another half hour of TV the doorbell rang. I sighed not really wanting to talk to anyone, but it could get my mind off of things.

I unwrapped myself from my small blanket I grabbed earlier on and got up from the couch. I crossed my arms over my chest because of the sudden chill running down my spine and the cold air hit my skin.

I made my way towards the front door and opened it but regretted it soon after. There were about 4 or 5 paps outside all shouting obnoxious things as the snapped pics.


"Yes." Was all I responded with as I shielded my eyes from the flashing lights.

"WHY?!" Another shouted as they all began to ask me stupid questions on why we did.

"Just listen to his next song, it explains everything." My voice cracked as I pushed the door shut and made my way back into the living room.

I brought my legs up to my chest and cried into my knees.

Justin’s point of view:

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, thinking over what happened not too long back. I messed up. Bad.

I never meant for Y/N to get the impression that I never cared for her, or that she didn’t mean anything to me. I wasn’t thinking when I wrote the song, I just wanted Selena back.

"Justin…" Fredo spoke up "You okay, man?"

"What do you think?" I spoke with sarcasm laced tightly in my words.

"Well…If it makes you feel any better, we finished the song up." He said trying to lighten the mood. But he didn’t.

I couldn’t think of that right now. I just came to realize what would happen if I would ever release that song. Y/N would be torn, humiliated. I can’t do that to her…

I sucked in a quick breath as I came to terms about what I need to do.

"Scrap it," I spoke up as I got out of my seat and grabbed the notebook and pen "We’re not releasing that song."

"Dude, what about all the hard work you’ve out into this? We’ve put into this?” Scooter questioned “…What about Selena?”

"This isn’t about her right now." I mumbled and began to scribble down some new lyrics…

*One Month Later*

“Alright y’all. This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for - that means you ladies - give it up Mr Justin Bieber!” DJ Tay James spoke into the mic.

"Whassup?" I chuckled lightly into the mic.

"Now we ain’t gon’ do much talking because Justin wants to get straight into the song but first, would you like to explain, man?" He asked looking up at me.

"Yeah. This song is dedicated to someone who currently hates me at this moment in time but I couldn’t blame her after what I did. I wrote this song as an apology and to help explain myself a little because I feel that that’s when my true feeling would come out best. So, Y/N, this ones for you."

The song started and it explained how Y/N had pushed me away and how hurt she was because of me. I sang about how I upset her and made her feel used, like she was nothing and about how sorry I was for that.

During the song writing process, I’d realised how Y/N had heard me sing about how she was nothing compared to Selena in the one I truly love. I didn’t mean it…So in this song I sing about how is miss that little gleam in her eye, about how cute I thought her little dimples were, about how she licked over her lips when she’s as nervous, everything.

I wasn’t thinking whilst writing the one I truly love. Love can be a crazy thing especially when it comes to your first love, even if you break it off with them, there will always be a small part of you that would never let go.

"Wasn’t that beautiful?" Scooter spoke as his voice pulled me back to reality.

"Yeah…I’m sorry Y/N."

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