1. Essential First Birthday Bash.

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//Lyanna Moore\\

"I want that jumping castle on the far left corner just so the kids aren't running around like maniacs." I pointed to the house help as they moved things around for me.

I grabbed the rest of the rubbish of unpacking certain decorations and chucking them into the rubbish bin.

"Dada?" Mason held his little bunny rabbit as he wobbled with each step. "Yeah, dada is coming home today" I held his hand as he stood quietly next to me sucking his thumb.

His personality had shocked me. Mason was quiet and sweet and extremely calm.

"Mason, bub do you want to eat something?" I knelt down as he shook his head lifting his hands as I picked him up. "Jumping castle Mase?" I walked to the jumping castle and placed him down as he sat down on it.

"Wanna jump?" I took his little bunny off him as he began to cry. "Mase" I sighed as he whined. "Look" I stood up on the jumping castle, holding him in my arms and beginning to jump with him.

"Mama" Mason whimpered as I giggled. "Ready?" I placed him down as slightly bounced. "Wow! Look at you!" I giggled as Mason had this cheeky smile on his face. "Oh my God! Mase!" Surina squealed holding Jonathan's hand as she neared us.

"Oh you look so big now" She held her hands out as he squealed. "INA" he smiled as Surina took him in her arms. "You look so good!" She fixed his little shirt from Justin's concert. "Dada" He looked down at his shirt.

"How long are you here for?" I smiled, Surina flicking her hair over her shoulders, "oh only for two days and i'm back to England" Surina smiled.

To say the least we had grown apart, she was working, her agency requiring her to stay based in England and ever since then, lets say our friendship was never the same again...

"Speaking of dada, he's calling" I grabbed my phone pressing answer.

"Hello?" I sang out as I heard Justin chuckle. "Hey babe, how's the birthday man?" He chuckled over the phone as I put him on his speaker phone.

"Mase it's dada" I smiled as Mason's face lit up. "Dadadada" he squealed as Justin laughed. "Mase" he chuckled as Mason kicked his legs about.

"Dada" he looked at me as I nodded. "Mase how old are you today?" He asked hearing so much happiness in his voice. Mason held up one finger. "Mason is one today" I fixed his sandy brown hair.

Mason was a carbon copy of Justin and it made my heart swell. "Justin what time will you be here?" I took off the speaker phone and walked into the kitchen.

"Hopefully in an hour or two" Justin mumbled as I opened the box for Masons birthday cake. "Alrighty, just the gate will be open so you don't have to ring" I smiled, seeing Masons babbling away to Jonathan.

"Okay, see you soon Ly" Justin's voice quickly cut off and I smiled. "So" Surina stood next to me as I mentally cursed my finger touching the icing of the cake. "Yes?" I trailed off raising an eyebrow.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Surina crossed her arms. "Tell him what?" I giggled as I grabbed a tissue.

"That you know he kissed Bella Corelli and secondly that y'all are like oh we're engaged but have no ring?!" Surina let out a duh tone.

"He already knows I know, which you would know if you were here more often" I snorted, then remembering what exactly went down when I told him I knew..."bratty attitude" Surina spat as I ignored her comment.

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