Chapter 53: Vecna's world

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Nancy climbed out of the pool.She just had almost the same senerio as Lilly but with her best friend Barb in the pool.When she looked around she was no longer in Steve's backyard but she was on a top stair looking around.It looked exactly like Max had described it and there was no other way than that she was in Vecna's lair.

When Lilly opened her eyes she stood on the begining of a staircase and everything she was looking at was black and red.She started walking slowly up the staircase and when she was at the top she to, saw the exact same thing as in the drawing's of Max.There was a clock flying around the same one as they saw in the Kreel house.

And when Lilly followed the clock she saw something she didn't think she would see here.It was Nancy.'NANCE!' Lilly yelled. The curly haired girl looked up and saw Lilly.She jumped off the stairs when they heard the voice again.'I've heard you've been looking for me...' They both walked towards each other slowly listening closely to what Vecna was saying.'You were so close...So close to the truth..' He told them.

They reached each other and hugged each other tightly.'How was old, blind, dumb Victor? Nancy?' Vecna asked.'Did he miss me?' Both Lilly and Nancy looked at each other.Lilly grabbed Nancy's hand.'I've been meaning to check back in, but i've been busy..' Vecna said. Lilly looked up when she saw what Max had described.

It was Chrissy. And next to her was Fred and next to Fred was Patrick.All deformed and dead. 'So.. very busy..' Vecna repeated himself.Nancy squeezed in Lilly's hand to which Lilly got out of the Chrissy trance and looked to where Nancy was looking.It was the front door where she had thrown a stone through in the Kreel house.And it opened.

A younger man came into the house leading in a woman, probably his wife.'What'd I tell ya?' the man asked his wife.'Wow.' She just said.two kids followed them put. 'This is amazing.' The little girl said looking around the hallway. 'It looks like a fairytale.' The little girl added. She was walking around the hallway were Nancy and Lilly were both standing looking at what was playing in front of them.The little girl ran up the stairs.'Alice, no running.' The woman told her.'It's so big!' she exclaimed.

Lilly turned around looking at the man and woman were hugging each other.'This is nice.' the woman said.But Lilly wasn't looking at the two of them.There was a little boy not older than twelve standing behind them.'Just like you, I didn't fit in with the other children, something was wrong with me.. All the doctors and teacher said I was.. broken.' The dark and ominous voice changed into a smooth talking voice to which Lilly frowned. 'My parents thought a change of scenery, a fresh start in Hawkins, might just cure me..It was absurd.As if the world would be any different here.' the voice spoke.

The boy started to move around the house looking around. Lilly pulled on Nancy's hand and walked after the boyEverywhere the boy went the lights started flickering like they did when Vecna came close.'But then..' the voice started. Lilly looked at the place where she saw the lights flicker and went over to it.Instead of being the hallway it was suddenly a bathroom, and the young boy came around walking to a vent next to the toilet. 'To my surprise, our new home provided.. a discovery..'The boy clicked open the vent and pulled the cap off. 'And a newfound sense of purpose..'

The boy put his hand in the vent and lifted a black widow spider out of it. 'I found a nest of black widows living inside a vent.Most people fear spiders.. I found them endlessly fascinating..More than that.. I found great comfort in them.' the voice said. Suddenly there was kind of screech and when Nancy turned around to look at it the boy had appeared behind them and was running up the stairs of the attic.

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