Chapter 36: Breaking in

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'We are fucking breaking into schools now?' Steve said The four of them were walking to the doors of the school.

'Here follow me.' Lilly said as she saw they were going to try the front door. 'Let's do the cafeteria door.' she said as they sneaked to the side of the school.Lilly pulled out two of her bobby pins and started rummaging in the lock. When they heard a click she stood up and opened the door.'After you guys.' Lilly said smirking at Steve who was just shaking his head at her.

'Dustin do you copy?' Suddenly was heard. 'Yeah i copy.' Dustin said softly back.

'So, Nancy is a genius.' Robin told them over the walkie-talkie.'Vecna's first victims date back all the way to 1959.Her shot in the dark was a bull's-eye.'

The four of them were walking through the hallway's Lilly up front.She had been sneaking and fooling around with Eddie at school so she knew were to go for everything. Max had explained to her where the shrink office was and Lilly went forward.

'Okay, that's totally bonkers, but I can't really talk right now.' Dustin said softly in the walkie-talkie. 'Wait, what are you doing?' Robin asked Dustin was busy putting the volume down. 'Breaking and entering the school.' Dustin said as she was walking next to Steve and looking behind them.'To retrieve some confidential and extremely personal files.'

'can you repeat that?' Robin asked. 'Just get your ass over here, stat.We'll explain everything' Dustin said before turning off the walkie talkie.

'I thought they were talking to Miss Kelly.' Nancy said to Robin.'We leave them alone for like two hours.' Robin said while rolling her eyes.'Found it this is miss Kelly's office.' Max said.Lilly passed her and started taking the bobby pins out of her hair. But Max tapped her shoulder and showed the key. 'Oh yeah ofcourse.' Lilly said as she backed away.

They all entered the room when Max opened it. And they were looking around the room.Max went directly into the files in the drawers. Lilly was checking the drawers of her desk. And the other two were discussing some kind of watergate.

'Holy shit.' Max suddenly said.'What you found something?' The other three directly turned towards Max.'Yeah, and not only Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing Ms. Kelly too.' Max said as she took out the files. Max sat down at Ms Kelly's desk and opened both the files. Lilly took Chrissy's file and Max had fred's.

'Signs.' Max said softly.'Here with Chrissy too.Headaches.nosebleestrouble speelinghorrible nightmares.' Lilly summed upMax was looking from the file to Lilly and back.

'Max are you okay?' Dustin asked.'Hey max are you all right?' Lilly asked to as she brought her face closer to Max her face.But she didn't respond she suddenly turned her head to the door. Lilly walked to the door.'There's nothing here Max?' But Max stood up and walked to the hallway looking around.'Follow her. I'll close the cabinets right up.' Lilly said as she pushed the guys towards Max. Lilly took the files and put them back together. She put them back in the cabinet. And closed the cabinets.

She then walked after the guys and closed the door on her way out. The guys were walking after Max.Who stood still in the begining of a hall way. When they suddenly heard doors open.

'Fuck i'll check.' Lilly said as she was already gone.Steve and Dustin were searching for Max who was fucking gone.When Lilly catched up with the people inside it were Nancy and Robin.'Oh thank god it's you guys.' Lilly said as she came from around the corner. The both of them were scared shitless from Lilly's voice.Robin, Lilly and Nancy were slowly walking towards the place they had last seen Max.When they found her she was staring at a wall. 'Hey Max are you okay?' Lilly said as she ran towards Max. 'I swear to god it was right here!'

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