Chapter 10: Late night smokes

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'You probably don't have a light do you?' Lilly asked Eddie while picking up her box of cigarettes and getting one out.

Eddie directly pulled out a lighter and as Lilly put the cig between her lips Eddie lighted the lighter and lit the cigarette.

Lilly inhaled and took another one out of the box.

She took the already lit one out of her mouth and passed it to him.

'Want one?' she said and Eddie took it putting it on his lips.

He then lit the second one that was on Lilly's lips.

She then laid back on her back and looked at the stars.

'So you came after all?' Lilly said with a smirk.

'Everybody was talking about it, how can I not check it out?' Eddie answered.

'Sure.' Lilly said taking another puff of her cigarette.

'How was the weed?' Eddie then asked when there was a little bit of silence between them.

'Got stolen for fucks sake' Lilly said frustration back in her voice.

'Stolen?' Eddie said while sitting up the cigarette between his lips.

'Yeah now I didn't even get to try some of your good shit.' Lilly said sighing.

Eddie started laughing.

'And here I thought you were some kind of badass queen of hell.

But you let someone steal your weed?' Eddie said trying to keep in his laughter.

'Are you fucking laughing at me Munson?' Lilly asked while sitting up.

He tried to keep in his huge grin.

And that was it for Lilly.

She sat on her knees putting her cigarette between her lips.

As she tried to confidently stand up.

'No no don't leave I'm sorry.' Eddie said while popping up on his elbows.

But Lilly was fast. Instead of walking away she pushed herself on top of the brown haired man.

To his surprise.

She put her knees on his sides and sat on his stomach.

Lilly had the cigarette between her lips trying with her hands to pin his above his head.

As he rolled his eyes and gave up, she sneaked her other hand to his pants.

Lilly slid her hand in his pocked and a smirk hit her lips.

'Bingo.' She said as she pulled out a blunt.

The strawberry blonde rolled of his lap and her put her cigarette out.

Eddie jumped up.

'You sneaky little snake.' He said before grabbing the blunt out of her hands.

'What are you gonna do? Sell it?' Lilly said while looking at the man.

'Well I'm supposed to.' He said looking at her with his eyebrow raised.

'Here.' Lilly said while pulling ten dollars out of her bra.

She gave it to him.

'Now. Please smoke it with me.' She said while sitting on her knees lifting the lighter.

Eddie felt in his pockets but she stole that one too.

He rolled his eyes but smirked and brushed his fingers beneath his nose.

Eddie leaned forward so Lilly could light his blunt.

He inhaled deeply before slowly breathing it out of his nose.

Lilly sat back on her ass and looked at him. She bit on her lower lip.

He took another hit before sitting his ass back in the grass and giving the blunt to Lilly.

She took a hit.

And gave it back to Eddie.

He was a bit confused she gave it back so soon,

But Lilly slowly let the smoke out of the corner of her mouth.

And took it back in through her nose.

Eddie had his mouth hanging open.

'You're wasting the blunt.' Lilly said before stealing it from his lips.

As she took another hit.

'I'm almost impressed Lilith.' Eddie said as he laid back in the grass looking back at the stars.

'at what?' Lilly said taking another hit and giving Eddie back the blunt.

'Mysterious girl moves to Hawkins,

The place everyone wants to go away from because weird shit happened.

Goes to school wearing rock and metal band shirts, knows her shit. Smokes, gets stoned and drunk.

And she still has my attention.

That never actually happends.' Eddie said while blowing out the smoke on his lungs.

'You can take the last, I'm gonna get a drink you want some?' Lilly asked while standing up.

'Sure.' Eddie answered

She walked off towards the back of the house, the party was still going and everyone was getting more and more drunk at the second.

Lilly walked into the kitchen.

As she saw Robin chatting with a girl the both of them clearly drunk.

Steve was dancing with a few people.

And when Lilly took two drinks and was off back to the garden

Steve catched up to her.

'Lills.. what are you doing back here?' Steve asked.

'You okay?' he added.

'Yea I'm fine why?' Lilly answered.

'Nah I lost you for like an hour, I almost thought you were sleeping or like idk.' Steve was scratching the back of his head.

'God Steve what do you think of me.' Lilly said laughing.

'I just took a breather I'm fine.' Lilly said while pushing him away.

'But two drinks?' Steve said still asking as the over confident brother.

'Yeah two drinks because I'm a alcoholic.' Lilly said laughing.

'Go get that girl Harrington.' Lilly said while walking away. 

Dancing with the Devil {Eddie Munson x Fem OC}Where stories live. Discover now