Chapter 20: Lunch

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Lilly was listening to Iron Man by Black Sabbath.

While walking into the girls bathroom.

She went to the toilet and washed her hands in the sink looking at her neck.

It was a complete disaster.

Eddie had clearly left his mark on her neck.

And even though she found it hot and amazing he was trying to get her for himself.

Lilly looked like she had been beaten up with a vacuum.

She pulled the black sabbath shirt she was wearing down a bit so she could look at her breasts, and they were just as bruised.

'Well there goes swimming this weekend.' Lilly thought to herself while rolling her eyes.

She did smirk however, she had left quite some hickeys on Eddie to.

Most of them were on the side of back of his neck so it was covered by his hair.

But this time she made one in the middle of his neck for everyone to see.

She then heard something stumble through her music so she put of her head phones.

'Hello ? Someone here?' Lilly asked

She was sure she had heard something stumble.

Till she suddenly heard screams of ' Go away' repeatedly.

'Chrissy??' Lilly yelled as she ran to the door.

'Chrissy hey! Are you all right in there?' Lilly said as she fastly pulled a pin out of her hair and started trying to open the lock of the door.

When Lilly had broke down the door she saw Chrissy sitting on the ground breathing heavily like she had been seeing the devil.

'Omg Chrissy are you all right?' Lilly said as she sat down in front of her.

She could see Chrissy processing things until she finally looked at Lilly.

'I'm not sure.' Chrissy said while looking down again.

'Come I'll bring you to the school nurse.' Lilly said as she pulled Chrissy up and waited a while before she felt confident enough to walk.

Lilly had dropped Chrissy off by the school nurse and reassured her it was all going to be fine, and she should go home to rest a little.

And she walked down to the cafeteria.

She opened the big doors and got to stand in line to get her and Chrissy lunch

'The devil has come to America.

Dungeons and dragons, at first as a harmless game of make-believe

Now has both parents and psychologists concerned.

Studies have linked violent behavior to the game,

Saying it promotes satanic worship, ritual sacrifice, sodomy. ' It was Eddie speaking and she could hear him loud and clear at the line for food.

'And even Murder!' Eddie exclaimed towards his friend pushing down the magazine he was reading to them.

The three of his friends laughed at him as they were eating their lunch.

'Shit he seems really revved up today.' Dustin told Mike.

'He's always revved up.' Mike replied trying to toughing himself up.

'We'll just act casual.


'Casual.' The both of them spoke to themselves.

'Society has to blame something.' Gareth spoke

'Were an easy target.'

'exactly.' The guys replied.

Dustin and Mike sat down at the table nodding to the guys.

Eddie had his eyes at them directly.

His feet on the table rolling a cigarette or better a joint.

'We're the freaks because we like to play a fantasy game.' Eddie said to the guys at the table responding to Gareth.

'But.' Eddie said shaking his hair side to side while standing up and stepping on the table.

'As long as you're into band.' Eddie said while looking over to the table where all the band people including Robin were sitting.

'Or science..' Eddie said shifting his head towards the science table.

'Or party's.' Eddie said mockingly towards the popular kids.

He got a few middle fingers pointed at him, but Eddie couldn't care less.

'Or a game where you toss balls intro Laundry Basksets .. ' Eddie said even louder and more mockingly towards the sporty types.

Including Jason who stood up

'You want something freak?' Jason said as he tried to puff his chest forward.

And Eddie smirked sticking out his tongue so far he looked like Gene Simmons from Kiss.

His hands went up to the sides of his head his index fingers up and his thumbs do the side of his head.

It looked like he made Devil ears.

Letting out a hellish sound towards Jason.

Lilly was looking at him while rolling his eyes.

'Drama queen.' She told herself but she couldn't help but smirk.

She loved this huge and dramatic side of Eddie.

The guys at the table were chuckling at Eddie's behaviour.

And Jason looked at him disgusted before walking back to the table.

Eddie was smirking while putting down his fingers and turning around to the group.

Lilly was carrying two trays of food with her, one for Chrissy and one for herself as she walked by the table trying to ignore Eddie and his huge dramatic self.

'It's forced conforming.' Eddie said while walking to the end of the table.

Spotting Lilly he jumped towards the end of the table.

'That's what's killing ! the kids.' Eddie said as he jumped of the table right in front of a teacher.

Making everybody laughing at her.

She quickly walked away.

And When Lilly stopped to look at him.

Making the whole group look at the both of them.

No one had heard from their date and if they were trying to give it another try or if it even went smoothly.

So it looked like there was tension.

Eddie being a drama queen, and Lilly being a bitch with her hasty replies. 

Dancing with the Devil {Eddie Munson x Fem OC}Where stories live. Discover now