Chapter 41: Max?!

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Everyone got back to the Wheeler house.But this time they all stayed in the basement. Everyone was sleeping when suddenly the walkie-talkie went off.

 'Hey Dustin, This is Eddie the Banished.' was heard through the walkie-talkie.

Everyone was fast asleep when suddenly Lilly shot up. 'You there?' it sounded again.The husky morning voice of the guy she was head over heals for sounded through it. Dustin was asleep against the cabinet.

'Dustin can you hear me?' He sounded again. 

'Dustinnnnnnn' He let the n roll over his tongue.                                                                                                  Lilly was looking for the walkie-talkie en picked it up.

'Earth to Dustin..' Nancy had also woken up her hair was a mess, it was already a perm disaster but now it was really a sheep. Lilly picked up the walkie-talkie.

'Morning Edward..' Lilly spoke through the walkie-talkie.It probably took Eddie by suprise because he was silent for at least 10 seconds. 'Well well Good morning Princess, you sound like you just woke up.' 'Ha Ha.' Lilly replied back.'What's up?' She then asked.

'Well I kinda need a food delivery, like really soon, unless you want me to go out and about into the world.' Eddie said as Lilly heard a spoon on the background. 'No, no , no no Don't do that, we'll try to get to you asap' Lilly answered. She was looking around for everyone to see if they had been woken up yet. 'Listen, umm.. Can you like pick me up a pack of cigarettes too?' Eddie asked her.'I know you brought me one yesterday but i'ts boring as fuck out here.' He said through the walkie-talkie.

'I was just going to tell you that i brought you one yester- ' Lilly suddenly stopped talking when she noticed the couch were Max was sleeping was empty.

'Lilith?' Eddie asked.'Hey, umm I have to call you back.' She said as she jumped up looking for Dustin who had Max duty this morning. 'Hey Lilith hey!' Eddie said in the walkie-talkie but Lilly became non-responsive. She was waking up Dustin.'Dustin! Dustin aren't you supposed to be on Max watch?' Lilly said as she shook Dustin awake.'uhu.' He said sleepy while banging his head to the television behind him.'ouch.' 'Yep,yep,yep,yep,yep' He said to Lilly as he was suddenly wide awake.'Okay. Then where is she?' Lilly asked pointed towards the empty couch. Nancy who was waking up was up in a second looking around the basement.'She's right there...' Dustin said pointing to the couch.Then he blinked again.'She was right there..' He said as he looked at his watch.'I only dozed off for about... an hour.' Dustin said as his eyes turned big.

Lilly jumped to her feet and Dustin was right behind her.Nancy was walking in front of them through the kitchen were Nancy's parents were sitting making breakfast.Nancy little sister was sitting at the table together with Max. Who was drawing.A sigh of relief washed over Lilly. Same as the others. 'Morning guys.' Karen Wheeler said as she was baking pancakes. 'Everything Okay?' 'Yeah.. yeah' Nancy answered her mom still looking at Max.'I think it's so sweet that you guys are sticking together like this.' Karen said to Nancy. Lilly was walking over to Max laying a hand on her shoulder.She was listening to music so she didn't see them coming.'Could try sticking together at a different house for a change.' Mr Wheeler said.

to which Lilly said.'Steve and I were glad to have everyone at his dad's place but he doesn't want too..' Lilly said.'He's not as nice as you.' Lilly said as she sticked out her tongue to joke a bit and Karen tried to hold back a smirk.'You know you're welcome here anytime right?' Karen said pointing her spatula at Dustin.'Totally.' Dustin replied.'You're like family.May I?' Dustin asked to the plate full of pancakes. 'Absolutely.' Karen answered. Which earned a glare from Mr Wheeler.Dustin took a plate and sarted filling it up.

'Yeah why not?Take us for all we're worth.' Mr Wheeler said while taking a sip of his coffee.'Okay.' Dustin cheekily replied to which he added two more pancakes on his plate. To which both Nancy and Lilly were trying to keep their faces in tact. Lilly sat down next to Max To which Max looked up to reach her gaze. Nancy sat across from them on a chair. Max turned the music off and pulled the headphones of her head. She had been drawing all kinds of drawings.

'Hey.' She softly said.'Morning.' Lilly said with a smile.'You okay?' Nancy asked from across the table.'Just couldn't sleep..' Max answered honestly.'people kept blasting music in my ears for some reason.' Max continued a cheeky smile appeared on her face.

To which Lilly smirked and Nancy let out a chuckle.'But Holly let me borrow some of her crayons.' Max said smiling to Holly.'We've been having a fun morning haven't we Holly?' Max said to Nancy her babysister.To which Holly nodded while she was busy on some toy. 'Is this what you saw last night?' Lilly asked as she was looking through the drawings. Max didn't say much at first.'I mean... it's supposed to be..I thought it be easier to draw it out than to explain it, but..' Max stopped to take a deep breath.'Not so much.' 'No they're great' Nancy assured.

Lilly took one of the drawings an pulled it towards her. 'Is that..?' Lilly started.'It was like they were on display or someting...And there was this red fog everywhere.' Max explained while looking at the drawings who were all some kind of red.'It was like a dream.. A nightmare.' Max ended.'Do you think Vecna's just rying to scare you?' Nancy asked.

'With Billy? Yeah.But when I made it here..I don't know something was diffrent..' Max said as she pulled a few drawings to her.'He seemed suprised, almost..Like he didn't want me there.' Max explained.Dustin with his plate full of pancakes came to the table and sat down.Lilly took two pancakes of his plate and gave one to Max.

'Maybe you infiltrated his mind.' Dustin said before taking a bite of his pancake.'He invaded yours right?' He asked to Max who had just taken a bite out of her pancake and nodded to Dustin.'Is it that big of a leap to suggest you somehow wound up in his?' 'Like Freddy Krueger's boiler room!' Lilly suddenly exclaimed.

'Freddy Krueger?' Holly said looking at all of us.To which Dustin sat back.'He's a super burned-up dude with razors for fingers.And he kills you--' Dustin started explaining.'Seriously Henderson?' Lilly said to Dustin.Dustin looked at Holly who had shifted to the side of her chair. 'Sorry its a movie.' Dustin said to Holly.'It's not real.' He reassured her.

'Just think about it..' Dustin said now pointing his attention to the three girls sitting at the table. 'What if you somehow unlocked a backdoor to Vecna's world?' Dustin asked Max.'Like maybe the answer we're looking for is-' Dustin took a few of Max her drawings in his hand'somewhere in t his incredibly vague drawing.' he said looking at it.'God we need Will.' Dustin exclaimed.'No shit.' Max replied.'I tried them again this morning and it's the same busy signal.' Nancy said throwing herself against the back of her chair.Lilly felt sorry for Nancy she couldn't get a hold of the whole family back in California, which also meant she couldn't get a hold of her boyfriendWho knows what was happening over there.

'Is this a window?' Nancy asked Max as she took over the drawing Dustin was holding.'Yeah.' Max replied.'Stained glass with roses.' Nancy added.'yeah..See i'm not so terrible after all.' Max said putting up her middle finger to Dustin who was still digging into his pancakes.he made an 'eh' motion to Max.'Yeah, well, it helps that i've seen it before.' Nancy said as she took all the drawing's in front of her.

Nancy started to fold the drawings and put them together. Everyone was looking at her in aw. 'It's a house..' Max said.'Not just any house.' Nancy said as she took a sharpie and started to draw outlines.'It's Victor Creel's house.' Nancy added.

Lilly stood up walking away.'Where are you going?' Dustin asked with his mouth full of pancake.'Waking the others.' Lilly said as she went downstairs.

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