Chapter 13: Eddie in Blue jeans?

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When Eddie was in the shower

Lilly pulled off her wet clothes and put on a big sweater and shorts.

She walked down to see if she could find Robin and put dry clothes on her and put her in the guest room, she closed the doors of the house and locked it.

She then headed upstairs again, she heard the shower was off and she closed the door of her room.


'Hmm?' Lilly answered

'You probably don't have pants do you?'

'Only a pair from Steve I suppose.' Lilly answered.

'Well mine are soaked and I'm not gonna wear those tight things Harrington wears outside.'

'Throw yours through the door, I'll put them in the dryer.' Lilly said

'And I'll get you a pair of Steve's in the main time.'

She heard the door open and Eddie threw his clothes in a pile outside.

Lilly walked out of the room and knocked on Steve's door.

She hadn't heard shit from his room for a while.

'what do you want?' Steve murmured.

'I need a pair of jeans.' Lilly said.


'Because I have a soaked man in my room who needs dry jeans.' Lilly said

'Hmmmmmmm closet.' Steve murmured.

'Yeah I'm not walking in.' Lilly said softly

'Well than you're not getting any.' Steve said sleepishly.

'ugh fine.' Lilly said sighing.

She slowly walked in her hands for her eyes, she didn't want to see whatever Steve was doing or how he was laying in bed.

'Jesus do you ever fold your clothes?' Lilly scolded softly and when she found pants, she fastly got out of there.

She walked back to her room and knocked on the bathroom door to which it opened and she gave the jeans through there.

Lilly then took Eddie's pile of clothes and walked back to the laundry room putting them in the dryer and turning it on.

By the time Lilly came back into her room and softly closed the door.

She saw Eddie standing in a tight baseball shirt and blue jeans.

Lilly opened her mouth but she closed it again admiring the dark haired guy wearing this clothes.

'I don't want a word.' Eddie said groaning.

'Then I wisely shut up.' Lilly said with a smile before letting out a big yawn.

'Thank you.' Eddie said.

' We need to wait till your clothes are dry.' Lilly said as she jumped on the bed.

Eddie nodded as he was looking through her room.

'Jesus Eddie lay the fuck down.' Lilly said after 15 minutes of him rummaging through her room.

After a few minutes he finally laid down on the other side of the bed his arm beneath his head looking at the ceiling.

'Hey Lilith.' He said after a few minutes.

Lilly was slowly dozing off.

'Hmmm?' Lilly said

'Thanks.' He said

'No one ever really took me in like this.' Eddie said softly

'Like offering me a shower and washing my clothes.' He said.

Lilly didn't answer, to which he said up to look at her.

But she had her hand half over her face, Lilly had fallen asleep.

'Maybe it's better that she didn't hear that.' He told himself and he laid back on the bed.

He slowly felt himself doze off.

A few hours Lilly woke up stretching her back.

She had a dry mouth so she swung her legs off the side of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

She took a glass of water and turned on the shower where she washed her hair and put on a way to big Queen shirt and walked back into her room.

She walked by her bed where she saw something moving.

Lilly took a few steps back when she saw Eddie still sleeping on his side.

His hair was everywhere and he was still wearing Steve's pants. He did however loose the shirt somewhere.

Lilly was calculating and it all came back to her.

His clothes were still in the dryer and she went to get them.

She also found Robin's clothes and put them on the desk in the guest bedroom where she was still sleeping.

Lilly put Eddie's clothes on her desk and walked downstairs.

Where she found Steve waving bye to Brenda.

'Damn she's not even staying for breakfast?' Lilly said an eyebrow raised.

'No, she doesn't want her mom to know she was out this late.' Steve said yawning.

'All rightie then.' Lilly said as she walked to the kitchen and started throwing cups and everything away.

She put a few pans on the stove and started making eggs.

Lilly was throwing away lots of stuff and told Steve to put all the leftover alcohol bottles in his closet since it was such a mess anyway.

When the eggs were done Lilly told Steve to wake Robin up to have some breakfast.

She was walking upstairs with two plates and two cups off coffee.

And opened the door to her room.

Eddie just pulled his shirt over his head when he saw Lilly enter the room but she was struggling to close the door almost dropping a cup of coffee.

Eddie was fast and took over the cups of coffee.

'Damn Lilith even making me breakfast.' Eddie said with his signature smirk. 

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