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"Hey, I meant to ask you a couple of days ago but hypothetically, if one of my friends were to have a crush on one of your friends. Could you possibly do anything to help that friend out?" Jisung questioned, laying beside his boyfriend, loosely playing with his hair as they had just woken up and were procrastinating on getting ready for school.

"You only have one friend," Felix pointed out.

"That's not tr- fine. Jeongin may or may not possibly like Changbin."

Felix tried his best not to stop laughing at the idea. He was well aware of the fact that Chan and Jeongin were together due to the way that Chan was non-stop telling him about his little date with Jeongin while he was on his own date with Jisung. Regardless, he let out a small giggle and Jisung frowned.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm sorry! It's just that I uhh..." Felix glanced around, trying to think of an excuse. "I think Changbin might already like someone else."

"That's not you?"

"Mhm," Felix hummed.

"That sucks," he sighed, finally moving away from Felix so they could get up and begin getting ready for school. "I feel bad for Innie."

"I think he's fine Sung, don't stress too much about someone else's love life," Felix said, quickly kissing his forehead before walking over to his vanity to fix his hair which looked like a complete mess.

Jisung quickly walked over to help once he saw how much he was struggling, quickly stopping him and putting half of it up into a half ponytail.

"I don't want to go to school," Jisung mumbled, leaning his chin onto Felix's shoulder as the younger mindlessly looked for something on his vanity, not paying much attention.

Meanwhile, Jisung felt his heart skip a beat just from admiring how they looked together in the mirror. He never would have thought he would get this close to the boy whom he had legitimately believed was an angel at first sight.

In a way, it sort of felt as though Felix were an angel still. He wasn't necessarily sad before he met him, ignoring the whole Chan thing but he began to get used to that. It's not like he had desperately been wanting a boyfriend or wishing for one.

Yet Felix seemed to make everything fall into place. His life felt rather chaotic before, between the bullying at school, his dad never really being home, and Jeongin not having a whole lot in common with him, he always felt as if he were a nuisance.

However, when he was with Felix, that feeling entirely went away.

"What are your thoughts on skipping school?"

Felix jokingly glared at him in the mirror as he applied some moisturizer to his face, "I have a test today."

"We both have a test today. Don't you think an extra day of studying would help us both out a lot?"

"You want to skip school today so we can study for our easiest class?"

"Not just study but if I need to say that as an excuse, then yes."

"What else would we do?" Felix questioned and blushed once he felt his boyfriend leave a couple of quick kisses on his neck.

"We could find a show to binge-watch and go out for lunch or something...Of course, also study at some point because we're responsible."

"Yeah, definitely," he laughed and stood up, pulling Jisung's hand back towards his bed. "But if we're skipping we're definitely going back to sleep for a while first."


After the two woke up a while later, they began watching a show for a bit, until they both felt hungry.

Felix insisted on Jisung doing his makeup before they went out which Jisung had no complaints about.

However, when he asked Felix to do his makeup for him, he seemed to have a list of excuses.

It's not that he didn't want to, he just still wasn't the greatest at doing it.

Not to mention how when Jisung did his makeup for him, he would get distracted every so often and gently kiss Felix's lips.

However while Felix was doing his makeup, Jisung didn't necessarily have anything else to focus on, so the kisses happened a lot more often. Of course, he didn't hate it, he was just aware that it was going to take a while.

"I think I may actually be getting better at this," Felix smiled, moving away a bit to admire his work which took way longer than it should have.

"You forgot lipstick," Jisung reminded, not wanting to look at it until after he was completely done.

"At this point, I think you stole half of mine."

"Fair point," he laughed and turned to look into the mirror, now Felix was the one with his chin leaning on Jisung's shoulder, looking at him through the reflection.

"We're a really pretty couple," Jisung commented dramatically, pulling out his phone to take a picture through the reflection.

Felix ended up posing with him, either holding up half of a heart or kissing the side of Jisung's face which may not have been a great idea, in the long run, considering he now had a lip print on his cheeks, but at least the pictures looked cute.

"Can you send them to me?" Felix asked once they were done.

"Why?" Jisung asked suspiciously. Usually, if Felix wanted pictures they had taken together, he would simply take his phone afterwords and send them to himself.

"I want them...?"

"Why are you asking though?"

"Would you be okay if I posted them?" Felix asked as if it were no big deal but Jisung felt his face turn red.

"Nearly the entire school follows you."

"Mhm, that's the point."

"What do you mean?"

"I want everyone to know how pretty my boyfriend is. I also want to be able to hold your hand in the hallway and hug you without us having to be alone behind the school...If you're also okay with that."

Jisung thought it through and if Felix would have recommended this a few weeks ago he strongly felt as though his answer would be no. In fact, the question would have scared him, a lot.

But surprisingly, it didn't at the moment.

"Okay," he agreed, silently watching as Felix posted a few of them, the caption simply being a red heart. He threw his phone onto his bed afterwords, grabbing Jisung's hand again.

"Let's go now. I'm starving."

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