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"What happened?" Changbin asked immedietly once Felix walked into his house again, noticing that Felix was still crying.

"Chan hates me," Felix mumbled out and began crying even harder.

"Lix, calm down. Let's go sit on the couch." Changbin said, pulling Felix by his hand to sit down next to him.

"Where's Minho?"

"He had to leave because his girlfriend was apparently having some family issues or something."

"I came out to Chan," Felix said, immedietly feeling Changbin wrap his arms around him as he laid his head on the older's chest.

"It'll be okay. He'll get over himself eventually. Even if he doesn't then you're too good of a friend for him anyway."

"He said that he could never hate me."

"Did he say that he hated you?" Changbin questioned and resisted the urge to chase down Chan and punch him the moment he felt the younger boss his head yes.

"Part of me hoped that he would change his mind and he would accept it or at least not be so mean about it but he hates me. I ruined everything."

"Hey, you didn't ruin anything. You didn't do anything wrong."

"He's my best friend though, he was my only friend and some points. I don't want him to hate me."

"You have more friends now," Changbin said running his hand through Felix's hair, trying to comfort him but he knew there wasn't much he could say at this point to help. Despite how Chan had always been somewhat rude or mean to Felix he could understand why Felix was so upset. Despite the constant homophobic jokes and beating people up, Chan was always there for Felix up until recently and he helped him through thought times and bullying. Of course, Felix was going to be hurt. "You'll always have me, you have Minho, and you have Jisung too."

"You and Minho are still friends with Chan though and I don't think he wants anything to do with me anymore."

"I'm definitely not friends with Chan anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"Chan's will be lucky if he gets through school without getting a black eye from me tomorrow after doing this to you," Changbin explained and Felix shook his head.

"Don't do anything to him."

"Give me a good reason not to."

"He can decide who he wants to be friends with...If he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore then I need to accept that."

"If he actually had a good reason then yes, that would be a valid point but deciding that he now hates you just because you like guys isn't a valid point."

"I wish I didn't say anything."

"Then you would still be sad about not being able to talk to Jisung...speaking of which, not that I have an issue with it, but why did you come here rather than going straight to Jisung?"

"I'm scared of talking to him."


"If I talk to him then Chan might hate me for the rest of his life and I don't want him to." Felix sniffled.

"You have to stop letting him control your life. You haven't even been happy since you stopped talking to Jisung. Can you please go talk to him tomorrow morning? Don't think about Chan at all, just spend the day with Jisung."

"We have school tomorrow."

"So? Skip."

"My eyes are gonna be swollen and I'm gonna be a mess tomorrow," Felix replied and Changbin sighed.

"I don't think Jisung will care considering that you said about him being sad too. Try to forget about Chan tomorrow and just focus on cheering up yourself and Jisung."


"No saying no."



"Fine," Felix said with a sigh as the two stayed silent for a few minutes before Changbin realized that Felix was beginning to fall asleep.

"Hey, let's go upstairs," Changbin said, shaking his shoulder to wake him up but Felix shook his head.

"Fine then," Changbin said, getting up, picking Felix up in the process as well.

"Changbin!" Felix yelled in surprise as he wrapped his arms around the older, scared that he would fall.

"I'm not gonna let you sleep on the couch." He explained and carefully placed Felix onto his bed once they got upstairs.

"I forgot what being friends with you was like," Felix glared at him, "You're really stubborn."

"Do you want me to stay here or would you rather me sleep on the couch? I'm fine with either."

"Stay here please?" Felix asked as Changbin nodded since he was expecting that answer anyway, Usually the only way to really comfort Felix was physical affection so, of course, he would want that right now.

Changbin laid down next to him and wrapped his arms around him which Felix immediately responded by hugging him back, still letting out small sniffles again.

Wishing a few minutes Felix was already softly snorting against the older's chest.

Changbin sighed as he looked closely at all of Felix's features. He knew he missed him but he didn't realize just how much until now. He of course didn't want to go too much into detail in fear that he would make Felix uncomfortable but Felix was the first boy he ever liked.

He wished he would have done something about it but it wasn't the right time for either of them and he was well aware of that.

"Jisung is really lucky." Changbin whispered with a small frown, "I really hope he makes you happy."

Not that Felix could hear him but he still felt the need to say it. He knew he had no chance anymore so he just hoped Jisung would be smarter than him and not end up doing anything stupid.

"I love you." He said before closing his eyes and finally falling into a deep sleep.

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