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The same guy who beat Felix up after their little conversation in class a couple of months ago had seen the even smaller interaction between the two at lunch. Why did he care so much about the pretty boy half the girls had a crush on and the gay kid who at one point got beat up every day after school? Felix wished he knew the answer but sadly he didn't.

Therefore, he spiraled into even more confusion and self-hatred which he had been trying his best to suppress when the same guy pulled him into one of the bathroom stalls in between classes.

"Care to explain why you were flirting with the ugly gay kid at lunch and why your best friend isn't here today? I would love to know what kinda stupid excuse you could come up with." He smirked as he walked even closer to Felix who felt his heart drop as his back hit the wall.

"It's none of your business."

"Did your best friend find out about your obsession with him? Does that mean that I don't have to avoid punching your face this time?"

Felix tensed up at the thought of Jisung finding out about this. He never wanted Jisung or anyone else to know anything about it. Even if it were to become a regular rutine thing, he didn't want anyone to know about it. He was beginning to tell himself that he deserved it, maybe this is karma.

Felix simply closed his eyes and waited for something to happen and he felt a harsh punch on his side, "maybe I should avoid it, just in case. I would hate for your little fan club to attack me...but maybe they would be happy about it if they knew the truth about you."

For the rest of what was said, Felix had pretty much blanked out. He wanted to not think anything he said was true. He wanted to go back to his happily bubbly self that he was when he had first met Jisung but everything around him seemed to be making that nearly impossible.

Nevertheless, he kept his mind completely blank, barely even processing the pain. His mind was blank when he left the bathroom but his body, however, was covered in bruises.

And of course, to make the entire situation worse, the class that he had now missed over half of, he had Jisung in. Even though it was the last class of the day, he felt the need to go and he can more easily come up with an excuse for being late to class than missing a class altogether.

He went and got a pass before slowly walking to his classroom and knocking, handing the teacher his note as he took his seat in the front of the classroom.

He could feel Jisung's concerned stare the moment he walked into the classroom and he felt it stay on him up until he quickly walked out of the classroom once the bell rang.

He went to his locker to quickly drop things off and then walked outside to meet Jisung at their usual spot.

"Lix, are you okay? Why did you-" He began but stopped when Felix wrapped his arms around him.

It seemed as though the moment Felix made eye contact with him he suddenly thought about Jisung being in as much pain as he is in now and he completely broke down.

"It's okay, you're so amazing for even attempting to come to school today...I'm so proud of you." Jisung said, assuming that it had something to do with Chan as he returned the hug which only resulted in Felix crying even harder because of how badly it hurt.

"I'm sorry," Felix mumbled through tears. Jisung gently moved away, grabbing both sides of Felix's face in order to get him to look at him.

"Did something happen?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Felix lied again.

"Let's not go to the cafe today, are you okay with just hanging out at my house?" Jisung asked, figuring that it would be better rather than go out when Felix obviously wasn't doing well.


They silently walked to Jisung's house hand in hand and luckily Felix was simply only thinking about how warm Jisung's hand is and how cute his chubby cheeks and fluffy hair was. His mind was simply filled with thoughts of Jisung, the only thing currently keeping him sane.

They got to Jisung's house and went up to his room.

"Can I use some of your makeup?" Felix questioned and Jisung smiled a bit and nodded.

"I can do it for you if you want."

Felix nodded as Jisung started applying different products, casually placing gentle kisses on various places on Felix's face, saying little compliments in the process.

He finally got to the last thing which was lipstick, he quickly applied it but froze when his lips drifted from Felix's lips to his eyes which were already staring back at him as his cheeks turned a similar pink color to the lipstick Jisung had just applied.

"You're definitely the prettiest person I've ever seen in my life." Jisung complimented and Felix couldn't help but smile a bit at the compliment.

"Jisung!" Felix said, laughing a little bit at the sudden compliment, and tried to look away though it was quite impossible considering that Jisung was still holding onto his face.

"Hey Lix," Jisung said, making Felix look at him again.


"Please don't feel the need to say it back yet...I know you're going through a lot right now but I just want to make sure that you're aware."

"Aware about what?"

"That I'm in love with you," Jisung replied.

The truth was, he really wasn't ready to say it back yet. Even though the feelings were reciprocated, he truly did need more time. But that was completely okay.

He didn't necessarily have to verbally say anything in order to make Jisung aware that he felt the same way anyway.

He grabbed Jisung's hands, moving them away from his face before moving forward and pressing his lips against the older's.

And Felix felt happy. He forgot about his best friend now hating him and the bruises covering his stomach. All he was thinking about is Jisung, and that made everything else worth it.

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