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"Why?!" Jeongin said somewhat loudly, causing Jisung to suddenly wake up and look at him, wondering what was going on.

"Shut up you're gonna wake Felix up," Jisung mumbled and closed his eyes again.

"I offered to sleep on the floor for you and you both decide to come in here and sleep on the freaking couch?"

"We didn't mean to. We came out here because neither of us was tired yet and we didn't want to wake you up and we ended up accidentally falling asleep."

"You're lucky that your boyfriend is good at making brownies because that is the only thing keeping me from hurting either of you."

"He's not my boyfriend." Jisung quickly said and blushed as he looked down at Felix who was still peacefully asleep on his chest with his arms loosely wrapped around Jisung's waist.

"Sure," Jeongin said, leaning his arms on the chair above where Jisung was sitting, "did anything interesting happen last night?"

"No," Jisung replied quickly because he wasn't sure how Felix would feel about other people knowing that they kissed.

"Then why are you blushing so much?"

"Well uh...it's kinda hot in here." Jisung lied and avoided eye contact. He was horrible at lying but Jeongin just laughed and decided to change the subject.

"So do we have to wait for him to wake up before we can do anything?" Jeongin asked, referring to Felix.

"Let's just give him 10 more minutes," Jisung said with a small smile as he moved Felix's hair away from his eyes.

"Wow, you're in love. Usually, you need coffee the moment you wake up."

"He could wake up at any moment. Don't say that kind of stuff."

"You didn't deny it," Jeongin smirked.

"I barely know him." Jisung said softly with a pout, "he might not even like guys."

"Jisung. He implied that he wanted you to kiss him."

"That could just be him questioning himself," Jisung replied right before Felix began to move around.

Felix pouted and moved even closer to Jisung before he seemed to almost wince and immediately open his eyes.

"I'm sorry," Felix mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"You're fine," Jisung replied with a small smile. "What do you guys wanna do today?"

"We could go to your Aun't cafe," Jeongin suggested. "Definitely not just saying that because I want free food."

"I already made plans to hang out with someone else today," Felix said with a pout once he noticed Jisung was looking at him, waiting for his thoughts on Jeongin's suggestion.

"Chan?" Jeongin questioned. He had seen Felix hang out with other people before but for the most part, he was always with Chan. Or at least in a group of people that included Chan.

"No, I don't think you guys know her but her name is Aera."

"Friend or girlfriend?" Jeongin questioned and Jisung was starring at Felix waiting for an answer. He hoped Felix wasn't the kind of person who would cheat but at the same time, Jisung really didn't know Felix that well yet. He couldn't be completely sure that he wouldn't do something like that.

"She's just a friend," Felix said, looking at Jisung and frowning a bit. He could tell Jisung was panicking a bit before he answered the question.

"When do you need to leave?" Jisung asked, breaking eye contact with him.

"What time is it?"

"It's 11:13," Jeongin replied since both of them had left their phones in Jisung's room.

"Then in like 15 minutes."

"Well thank you for making brownies. I'm gonna go home and grab some more clothes then I'll be back later Jisung." Jeongin explained, truthfully he wanted to leave because there was some weird tension in the room and he felt like they needed to talk about something.

"I wouldn't have asked you to kiss me if I had a girlfriend," Felix mumbled, looking up at Jisung after Jeongin had already left.

"I'm sorry I'm just really paranoid," Jisung replied honestly and looked back down at Felix.

"About what?"

"It seems too good to be true. Your school life is perfect, you could probably date any girl in our school that you want to, you're really nice and cute...but you're best friend is also extremely homophobic and you befriended me out of nowhere."

"Jisung," Felix said with a pout.

"I'm really sorry for thinking so low of you it's just- I- umm..." Jisung looked up to stop himself from crying and laughed awkwardly. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you crying?" Felix asked softly, moving away slightly to give Jisung some space.

"It's nothing I'm just being stupid and you have to leave soon anyway."

"She's not gonna care if I show up late and I don't care if you think that it's stupid."

Jisung shook his head no, "I don't want you to be late...I also don't really want to talk about it right now."

"Will you tell me when you do?" Felix questioned and Jisung nodded though he still seemed too lost in thought to process Felix's question.

"I'll see you Monday," Jisung said, feeling as though it was probably time for Felix to leave.

"Yeah, I'll see you Monday, and just to you know, I'm not interested in dating any of the girls at our school," Felix said, hoping to lighten the subject before he left. He placed a quick kiss on the side of Jisung's face, " because I like you."

Felix got up very quickly after since he felt embarrassed from his sudden confession.

"Bye Jisung," he rushed out of the house and tried to get his heart to calm down. He couldn't stop thinking about everything that had happened at Jisung's house in a short amount of time. They kissed, Jisung implied that he had a crush on him, Felix told him that Jisung that he liked him...but he also said something that ended up making Jisung nearly cry.

Although the majority of things he had to think about were good he couldn't help but wonder what managed to make Jisung so upset.

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