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Jisung woke up Monday morning for school. He usually never looked forward to going to school ever since Chan started beating him up but today he was hoping to see a certain someone again.

They hadn't talked much at all but Jisung was hoping that talking to Felix wouldn't be a one-time thing.

He was clueless to the fact that Felix sat a few rows behind him in multiple classes. He tried not to pay too much attention to other people in hopes that people wouldn't pay too much attention to him in return.

He was well aware that people were homophobic people at their school. That wasn't going to stop him from wearing certain things or using things such as makeup though. Even if there was a possibility that Chan would leave him alone if he did...he was stubborn. He most definitely didn't want to make Chan feel like he had that much power over him.

He sat down at his vanity and applied some concealer and powder to at least cover the bruise although there wasn't much he could do about the cut on his lip. Then added some brown eye shadow, subtle eyeliner, blush, and pink tinted chapstick.

He then picked out his outfit for the day which consisted of a blue hoodie, black jeans, and some shoes that made him seem taller than he actually was.

He said bye to his dad before grabbing his backpack and leaving for school.

"Jisung!" He heard someone yell happily as he got pulled into a hug.

"Hi, Innie." Jisung smiled at him.

"You seem...happy?" Jeongin said, realizing that this was the first time he had seen Jisung smile for what felt like a while.

"Wait- did Chan beat you up again?" Jeongin questioned as he noticed the cut on Jisung's lip.

"Yeah but it's okay. He'll stop eventually." Jisung said with a smile. Chan had started focusing on Jisung soon after he transferred because he became friends with Jeongin and found out Chan was hurting him.

He would much rather Chan hurt him than Jeongin. Even though he had only known the younger for a relatively short period of time, he cared about him a lot.

Neither of them could really do much about it since their principal was also homophobic and refused to do anything about Chan's behavior. Jeongin hadn't yet come out to his parents so was too scared to tell them about it and constantly covered his bruises with makeup when Chan was still focused on him.

Jisung didn't want to tell his father about it mainly because he didn't want to stress him out about it but also because he was scared his dad would immediately resort to making him transfer schools and he didn't want to leave Jeongin all alone again.

Jeongin was also one of the only people in his school who didn't judge him and they related to each other with a lot of things. It's as if they were meant to be best friends.

The two walked talked for a while until the bell rang and they sadly had different classes so Jisung walked by himself to his first class.

As usual, he paid no attention to anyone around him. He already had to deal with Chan so he just wanted to try his best not to gain any more negative attention.

Enough/JilixМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя