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Perhaps Felix had not fully thought through saying "sure" to Jisung's question.

He wanted Jisung to do his makeup and he wanted to see what it would like on him since he had always been curious.

However, he hadn't thought about the part where Jisung would be extremely close to his face.

Nothing had even happened yet since Jisung was still looking through his makeup and deciding exactly what he wanted to do. But Felix's mind was planning ahead as he nervously played with his fingers and watched Jisung curiously.

"I don't wanna cover your freckles." Jisung frowned, looking at the bottle of foundation and wondering if he should skip that part altogether.

"It will probably be the only time you will ever go without seeing them," Felix explained which just made the older frown even more.

"Fine," He agreed and gently started applying it to Felix's face.

Jisung ended up grabbing a hair clip to move some of Felix's hair out of his face then continued to apply all of the bases of his makeup.

Felix was doing fine for this part considering that Jisung had stayed a good distance away from him and they continued having small conversations.

It wasn't until Jisung started to apply eye shadow when Felix felt his heart speed up.

Jisung mindlessly pulled Felix's chair closer to him and rested his hand on the boy's cheek as he applied some eyeshadow.

Jisung seems to be very concentrated on what he was doing but Felix could feel light breaths on his face and he couldn't tell if having his eyes closed was making it worse or better.

They had probably been this close before when Felix was helping clean Jisung's cuts and treating his bruises but for some reason, this situation seemed different.

"I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do eyeliner very well on another person but I'll try," Jisung said as Felix heard him open something before feeling a tiny brush on his eyelid.

At this point, he was holding his own breath. His eyes were still closed but he could tell that Jisung was inches away from him.

"Can you open your eyes for a second?" Jisung asked, moving away a bit.

Felix opened his eyes and immediately felt his face heat up as he made eye contact with the other boy who was smiling at him.

"Thanks," Jisung replied and Felix closed his eyes again so he could go the other eye.

"Are you done?" Felix asked, turning to look at himself in the mirror but Jisung quickly grabbed both sides of his face to stop him from turning his head around.

"No," Jisung replied, looking at the younger's face for a few seconds before looking away and grabbing something else off of his vanity. "So umm..."

"Hmm?" Felix hummed, looking up at the boy who was applying blush to his cheeks as if the number of times he had naturally blushed so far wasn't enough.

Enough/JilixHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin