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Felix ended up spending the night at Jisung's house and he would be lying if he said waking up and seeing Jisung first thing in the morning didn't cheer him up a bit.

Having to see Chan at school, knowing the older was either going to be completely ignoring him or glaring at him the whole day was a whole other story though.

"We don't have to go to school if you don't want to," Jisung mumbled, glancing over at the younger who seemed to be procrastinating to get up.

"No, we should probably go...I already made you miss yesterday and it's not like I can just avoid him for the rest of my life."

"You can sit with Changbin at lunch, right?"

"Why would I not sit with you?" Felix questioned and Jisung frowned as he turned to face him.

"If people see that you stopped hanging out with Chan and you're suddenly spending a bunch of time with the gay kid that Chan used to beat up all the time they might assume things. Chan might not hurt you or anything but I don't want anyone else to either." Jisung explained.

"I don't think anyone would do anything," Felix replied, the memory getting beat up by someone in class after having the smallest conversation with Jisung still there in the back of his mind. He was tired of having to sneak around even to just have a conversation with Jisung.

"Maybe not, you already pretty much talk to and befriend everyone at our school but I still have a bad feeling about it."

"I'm starting to not care about what people think about it anymore. I want to sit with you, I want to be able to walk up to you in the hallway and hug you, and I want to be able to talk to you whenever I feel like talking to you."

"I want to do all that stuff too but I also want to make sure no one does anything to hurt you," Jisung replied, ruffling Felix's hair a bit before getting up. "Do you want to borrow some clothes?"

Felix knew he was only changing the subject because he wasn't planning on letting Felix ruin his own reputation at school.

"Yeah," Felix replied though he didn't entirely plan on going along with what Jisung wanted.

(I just realized that Felix wouldn't have his backpack or anything there but let's ignore that plot hole.)

They both got ready then went downstairs and Jisung walked into the kitchen to look for something to make them or at least grab for breakfast since neither of them ate much the previous day.

"Should we try to make pancakes?" Jisung questioned, glancing at Felix who immediately shook his head no.

"Maybe on another day when we don't have school but I think it would take too long."

"What if that's the point?"

"Do you not want to go to school or do you just not want me to go to school?" Felix questioned and Jisung sighed.

"I still haven't seen you smile since you've been here and I know how much you cared about Chan."

"Jisung," Felix began and walked closer to the older, grabbing both sides of his face to he would look at him, "I can't skip school for the rest of my life, I promise I'll be okay. If anything happens I'll text you or tell Changbin."

"Fine." Jisung agreed and ended up just grabbing an apple for each of them as they soon after left his house and started walking to school.

About a minute into their walk Felix grabbed Jisung's hand and gently swung them as they continued walking. It was fine for now since they weren't around anyone from school yet so Jisung slightly smiled to himself.

He would never say it out loud to Felix...well maybe he would if he could figure out the right way to word it but he was somewhat happy that this happened. Felix had been looking miserable and he didn't want to make Felix feel guilty by saying it but he missed him.

Part of him hoped that Felix coming out to Chan would be like ripping off a bandaid. He was sad right now but soon the pain would go away and he would forget all about it.

However, Chan wasn't just a little cut or scab that could heal and be forgotten about very easily. More so like a poison that Felix had become so used to despite it hurting him for years. And you can't just forget about poison. No matter how much Felix could try and hide it or pretend like he didn't care, part of his was always going to miss Chan and think about every little thing he said that made him insecure over the years of their friendship. (My sleep-deprived writing makes no sense at all but okay ig.)

As they got closer to their school Jisung tried to let go of Felix's hand before anyone saw them but Felix either seemed to not notice or not care.

"Lix, you should probably go ahead of me now so no one sees us together."

"Fine," Felix agreed with a pout as he let go of Jisung's hand, "but before I go, can we hang out after school? Like what we were doing before everything happened."

"So you mean...go on a date?" Jisung asked reluctantly but smiled a bit when he saw Felix nod.

"Yeah, I missed going on dates with you."

"I missed going on dates with you too, I would love to," Jisung replied though he was having conflicted thoughts about it. Part of him thought Felix was asking him because he wanted things to go back to how they were before everything happened, which is what Jisung wanted to. But the other part of him was scared Felix was doing this to try to make it seem like he was doing perfectly fine when he's not. But then again, that could be another way to deal with it and it wasn't necessarily bad. He could end up convincing himself that everything is okay.

"See you after school at our usual spot," Felix said with a small smile.

"Okay," Jisung agreed before slowing down and letting Felix walk ahead of him.

I really hope nothing bad happens to you today. he thought to himself with a pout on his face.

i definitely should have put more thought into this plot before posting this I'm sorry ㅜㅜ

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