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"Felix!" Chan said, waving his hand in front of the boy's face to get his attention.

"I've been trying to get your attention for like five minutes," Chan explained as Felix glanced over at his girlfriend who gave him the same worried look she had been showing for the past few days.

"Sorry, what's up?" Felix asked with an awkward laugh.

"I wanted to ask if you and Aera wanted to go watch a movie with me and someone else after school?"

"Right after school?"

"Yes...? Is there an issue with that?" Chan questioned, noticing how Felix now had a slight frown on his face.

"Nope. I would love to go see a movie." Felix responded, showing a small smile to the both of them to prove that he was okay since they both looked somewhat worried.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Aera asked, raising a hand to feel Felix's forehead to check for a fever.

"Yeah I'm fine," Felix said moving her hand away and instead held it in his own under the cafeteria table.

Chan looked at him weirdly as Felix met eyes with him with a questioning gaze. Chan smirked for a second, making Felix even more confused but he forgot about it when Aera started showing him pictures on her phone.


"So, are you finally getting bored of Aera?" Chan asked, meeting Felix at their usual spot around the school building. Not bothering with Jisung since he didn't want to make them all late and he had been wanting to ask Felix this question since lunch.

"What? Of course not! Why would you think that?"

"That's why you've been spacing out so much, right? Do you like someone else? I can help set you up with them. Or do you need advice on how to dump Aera?"

"I don't want to break up with her. I've been spacing out because I've been really busy with schoolwork work idiot."

"I don't believe you. You've been with her for over a year and you've never once seemed interested in her as more than a friend. You treat her exactly like me other than the fact that you two occasionally cuddle and kiss.

"I don't like anyone else," Felix repeated desperately wanting the conversation to be over.

"You sure? I could probably set you up with this girl in my math class. She seems like your type."

"No. I still like Aera." Felix replied. The thought of ever breaking up with Aera was already scaring him a bit. He was hoping Chan would take the hint and drop the conversation. He truly did care about her and the thought of hurting her like that made him feel horribly guilty despite the fact that he hadn't actually done anything wrong.

"Let me know if you ever change your mind." Chan smiled sweetly as they approached Aera who was waiting for them in front of the school with another girl that neither of them had ever seen before who they assumed was Chan's date.

Felix tried to pay more attention to Aera than he had been in the past few days. He hoped that it was enough to convince Chan that he wasn't losing interest in her.

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