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-not proofread-

"Okay so, I have to tell my aunt that we are going up there real quick but you can climb up that ladder and I'll be up there in a few minutes," Jisung explained with a smile.

Felix seemed so much happier today than usual now that he was no longer thinking of Chan. Or at least to Jisung, that seemed like the only reason. He was just distracted. Nothing else.

In reality, not only had Felix temporarily forgotten about the situation with Chan but this was the first time he could hang out with Jisung without feeling somewhat guilty because of Aera. And on top of it, it was a date.

He was still surprised by himself for actually asking Jisung that question. It still seemed like a dream.

Felix climbed up the ladder and saw fairy lights strung on top of a covered area with chairs and a small table. Everything was a mixture of pastel colors that blended together beautifully with white and pink flowers planted in pots to add more decoration.

He sat down on one of the chairs and waited for Jisung to arrive which seemed to be taking quite a while. Not that he minded, he felt like he could sit up there all day doing absolutely nothing.

A few minutes later he heard the door open and Jisung walked over to him with two cups in his hand, handing one of them to Felix before sitting down across from him.

"Sorry, that took so long. My aunt was asking me a bunch of questions. I also got you hot chocolate because I wasn't sure if you like coffee or not but if you do I can definitely get you another drink. I probably should have asked before I got you anything. Do you want something else to drink? Are you hungry or anything?" Jisung nervously rambled, not looking up at Felix in the process at all.

"You talk really fast," Felix replied then took a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Sorry," Jisung replied with a small laugh as he began to nervously start tapping his foot on the ground.

"The hot chocolate is really really good so don't worry about it... Are you okay?" Felix asked, noticing the foot tapping and the way he had been avoiding eye contact since he sat down.

"Yeah I'm fine...it's just that this is kinda the first date I have ever been on," Jisung mumbled.

"Really?" Felix asked.

"Well, most people at our school are extremely homophobic so it's kinda difficult to find someone to go on a date with...never thought I'd end up on one with the cute popular kid."

"Popular?" Felix tilted his head.

"A lot of people talk to you in our classes and I hear your name around school a lot now that I've started paying attention."

"Oh." Felix replied, "I guess I never really noticed how many people I talk to."

"There's probably a lot of people who would die to be in my place right now." Jisung awkwardly laughed yet again. He was still trying to figure out how how to act and what to say. That definitely wasn't the best option.

Jisung finally looked up a few seconds later when he only received silence as an answer and saw Felix starring off at nothing, his face had turned pale.

"Not that I would tell anyone that we went on a date. Unless you wanted me to but I completely understand why you wouldn't." Jisung quickly added. Making himself even more of a nervous wreck in the process.

The first date I've ever had and I'm ruining it in every single way possible. Great job Jisung.

"Sungie calm down." Felix laughed softly and reached out to grab his hand, holding it in his "there's nothing to be nervous about."

"I'm assuming that you have been on dates before?" Jisung said, making it sound more like a question since Felix seemed to be calm in this situation.

"I've been on a few," Felix responded dryly, he really didn't want to talk about any of those dates. Besides, although it may sound bad, this was his first time going on a date with someone he actually likes as more than a friend...He was kind of nervous as well. He just didn't show it as much. "Is this part of the cafe? It's really pretty up here." He asked, trying to change the subject.

"Nope. My aunt just decorated up here so I could have a "hangout" spot. I haven't been here in a while though."

"Is the inside of the store decorated like this too?"

"It looks completely different inside. I chose the color scheme of what I wanted it to look like out here." Jisung explained.

"It's really cute." Felix complimented and looked away from the other boy for a second to look at the sky. "Woah."

Jisung looked up and saw that the sun was already setting, "do you want me to walk you home now?"

"Do you have something to do after this?" Felix questioned.


"Then let's stay here for a little bit longer." He smiled and stood up, pulling Jisung's hand to follow him to the edge of the rooftop so they could have a better view.

Felix was admiring all of the colors in the sky but Jisung's eyes were glued to Felix. The sun was light shining on his face, which made even more freckles visible. And the small smile Felix had on his face. He looked so perfect.

"Isn't it pretty?" Felix questioned, turning his head to look at Jisung who was already starring straight back.

"Yeah, really pretty," Jisung replied, causing Felix's face to turn a light shade of pink.

Felix stepped a bit closer to Jisung who just continued admiring him but his brain completely stopped functioning when Felix started moving even closer to him.

From Jisung's perspective, it seemed like Felix had changed his mind last minute. He was so close to his lips yet Jisung felt a soft kiss on the side of his face instead. He wasn't upset at all by it because again, there was no need to rush. The only issue was that his heart was freaking out.

"Thank you for taking me here." Felix smiled and gently wrapped his arms around Jisung. Everything felt so perfect. Both of them felt as if they were dreaming.

Felix never thought he would allow himself to date someone whom he actually likes and feels completely comfortable around. Everyone else, including Chan, made him scared that he was constantly being judged. But that feeling didn't exist when he was with Jisung like this.

Jisung simply never thought he would end up on a date ever in his life. He had pretty much given up hope that he would ever date anyone and settled on the fact that he would just raise a bunch of pets in a house by himself. But now he had Felix standing right in front of him with his arms wrapped around his waist.

They were both convinced that they were dreaming at this point.

But neither of them ever wanted to wake up

Enough/Jilixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن