Chapter 28: Bludger

Start from the beginning

The game between Gryffindor and Slytherin happened the same as the books, with the crazy bludger still trying to kill Harry. I thought it wouldn't still happen since the Chamber isn't open, but it still did. 

When the game ended, I bolted down to the field and destroyed the bludger that was still attacking Harry even after he caught the snitch. He was on the ground clutching his broken arm.

"Up you get, Harry, let's get you to Pomphrey." I lift him up carefully, and spot Lockhart coming our way. I pull out my wand just in case.

"Ah, not to worry, my dear boy, I can fix you up in a jiffy." Lockhart says confidently as he struts towards us.

I raised my wand threateningly at him, "Don't come near him, or I'll curse you." I threaten him lowly as the rest of the team all gather around Harry. "Fred, George, take Harry to the hospital." I pass the injured boy to my friends. I stand sentry between him and Lockhart, wand raised at the idiot as he blanches out.

"Poor girl, doesn't know how brilliantly I can mend his arm." He says to the gathering crowd of students.

"I know exactly what you're actually capable of doing." I growled lowly, and watched the flicker of fear as I stare down my nose at him, even though he was taller than me. "Stay away from him, or else." I could spot Fred and George getting Harry away, so I knew he would be fine. 

Lockhart started making a speech about some triumph of his, and he turned his attention to the crowd of skeptical looking students. I backed away from him and went to join Harry in the hospital. Pomphrey fixed up his broken arm in a few minutes, and he was free to go back to the common room.

"Why was that bludger targeting me?" Harry asks the group of us gathered around him once we were all gathered by the fire, celebrating the win.

"Likely someone who maybe wanted you to leave or stay away from Hogwarts. Good intentions, poorly executed." I give him a look, and watch the recognition dawn on his face. He mouthed 'Dobby' to me, and I nodded. 

After his friends all went to bed, I told him to hang out for a bit. I figured Dobby would show up, so I gave him a warning to tell Dobby to not try and save him again. He told me the next day Dobby showed up in his dorm and tried to get him to leave, and Harry talked him down.

Soon after that, there was an announcement for a dueling club. I pulled Harry aside and told him that if anyone shoots a snake at him, to not talk to it if he doesn't want anyone to know about his Parselmouth still. He nodded in confusion, and I taught him a spell to make snakes vanish, which he learned easily. He asked how I learned that spell, and I just grinned at him wickedly. I may tolerate Nix now, but I still don't like snakes in general, so of course I researched a spell specifically to kill them.

Snape was every bit as amazing in his duel with Lockhart as I wanted him to be. I proudly cheered him on as he humiliated the fraud, earning curious glances from all my Gryffindor friends. I just shrugged and grinned at them, and Adrian came up to my side.

"Finally rooting for the better house, are we?" Adrian says confidently.

"The better teacher, for sure. That was great!" I laugh with him as cheer Snape on more. 

Snape and Lockhart move around partnering everyone up together. I got partnered with George while Fred went with Adrian. I grinned at those two, knowing they don't like each other, so it should be a funny duel. We started with disarming, which I was great at, though I let George disarm me a few times to get the practice, which he barely needed because he was really good at it too. 

The practice gets interrupted when Harry and Draco deviated from what they were supposed to be doing. We turned and watched them throwing spells at each other with gusto. 

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