Chapter 11: Flight

Start from the beginning

"I'll get you on my team, Black." Charlie says firmly, showing he means business by saying my last name.

"Not likely, Weasley." I challenge back, and we break into laughter before he ruffles my hair. His team is around him, they must be meeting for a strategy meeting or practice. We only came to the pitch to do the laps before lunch.

"Are you going to disappear to one of your secret walks now?" Fred asks humorously as he joins us.

"No, I'm actually going to do all that homework I didn't do all week now. You know, since I was on my secret walks." I grin impishly at him. They haven't figured out where I go, but they know I'm not running. They find it funny enough that I'm hiding something that they don't care what it is, instead making it a running joke.

"I'm going to pretend that all I heard in that sentence was you're going to do your homework. Have fun, you guys!" Charlie says happily, walking away with his team.

"Actually, I think we need to make some plans. We've been here a whole week, and haven't pulled a prank yet." George adds in a whisper, and I smirk at him.

"Let's get to planning then." I respond, and we head back to our common room after lunch. 

We plan out several pranks, ranging from tiny to huge, and make plans to scatter them all throughout the year. They are definitely brilliant at this, and I'm better at being lookout or secretly launching the pranks. Stealth is my specialty, while drawing attention is theirs. We also pulled in Lee after a few hours, to get an outside opinion on a few of our ideas. He was also good with pranks, so his opinion was great, but he didn't want to get caught in them. I guess even he started off as a good student before being totally corrupted by the twins.

Sunday I headed down to Hagrid's hut for tea. He sent an owl and invited me formally, which was adorable. I went down with Bruce since I wanted to ask Hagrid some questions anyway. We chatted happily about the forest and the creatures there, and he showed me the best little grouping of trees that Bruce could find insects and seeds to eat that was still safe for him away from the creatures inside. Bruce happily went into the trees, and I left him there to feast while I caught up with the half-giant. I wanted to know more about the magical beasts in the forest, and he promised to show me interesting ones during the year if he found them.

The twins and I's first few pranks were a success. They were just simple things like floating all the benches in the great hall at breakfast, so everyone had to stand until an older student or teacher lowered them back down. When the twins and I had released dung bombs in the library though, we were caught by Filch, who dragged us to his office and began to yell at us. I knew this was our opportunity to grab the map, so I released a magical smoke bomb I had bought in Diagon Alley into his office, and searched his confiscation drawer and snagged the holy grail of mischief and ran with the twins. We made it back to our common room before I showed them the spoils of our war.

"I finally found it!" I cheer out happily, and the twins look at me questioningly. "Watch this. I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good." I say cheerily, my wand pointed at the map. 

We watched as the grubby old piece of paper came to life, ink spreading swiftly and forming into a drawing of the castle, hallways and all. It was a lot smaller than I had expected, just about the size of a large piece of paper, not the huge folded map from the movies.

"Wicked!" They both exclaim, leaning in to look at the map as it forms.

"Is that us?" George asks excitedly, pointing at our names on the map. There we were, in the common room, our three names all huddled together. Fred started to walk in a circle to test it out, and we watched his dot on the map mirror his actions. "This is brilliant, how did you know about it?"

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