Chapter 5: Distrust

Start from the beginning

I reacted on instinct and jumped out of the bed and rolled away, taking cover behind the empty second bed in the room while Remus wrestled with Dad, but I still saw the flash of yellow leave my dad's wand and hit the bed I had just been on. 

I stare wide eyed at my dad in shock and fear, not only did he not believe me, but he also tried to attack me. I don't know what spell he tried to use, but he said something about memories. I can't let him touch my memories at all, they are my most precious things I have.

"Daddy, please stop!" I cry out, genuine tears of fear in my eyes.

"Sirius, that is enough!" Remus bellows out at him, forcibly taking Dad's wand away and throwing it to the other side of the room and again standing in between my dad and me. I see the realization hit Dad's eyes at what he just did, and he's looking at my fearful, tearstained face and Remus's firm, defensive face. I watch the guilt and regret sink into Dad's eyes then, and he crumbles down to the floor in shock at his own actions.

"Princess... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He whispers out to me. "I'll just... go get a doctor to find out for sure." He quickly leaves the room, shame evident in his whole body language.

"Why would you say you know these things?" Remus asks me quietly, assessing me as I debate my answer. I just tried to tell the truth and got attacked for it, maybe it's not a good idea to tell anyone. I don't want my memories or my mind messed with at all, I don't want to risk forgetting all my friends and family. "Abigail, I won't hurt you, I just want to know how you know."

"I don't want to say anymore. I can't lose my memories." I say quietly and fearfully. 

I forget, this is a time of war, where people can freely control thoughts and actions with magic. It was stupid of me to try and be honest, of course they wouldn't believe a three year old. And since my failed attempt at stabbing Peter didn't pan out, I'm going to need another plan. 

My mind was racing through ideas when Dad comes back with a doctor who does a full assessment of me and clears me of any curses. I can see the seed of doubt planted in both Dad and Remus's eyes, both now maybe deep down realizing I could be speaking the truth. Hopefully, they can help out.

"Princess." Dad says softly the next morning, waking me up as I lay in my own bed at home. 

I wasn't really asleep though, the nightmares last night were intense. I kept seeing that no one would believe me and that they would take my memories away from me, and I would be forced to forget all about my resurrections. Trying to attack Peter was a bad move, it put me in a dangerous position since it backfired so much. Remus had left shortly after the altercation in the hospital, and Dad has been looking at me worriedly since he took me home. I'm all healed up, barely a headache remains after the doctors used magic potions to make me feel better.

"Yeah Dad?" I ask quietly, rolling over in bed to sit up and look at him.

"How are you feeling today?" He asks with concern.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I brush him off, standing to gather some clothes to get changed into. He stops my hands though and leads me back to my little twin bed in our shared bedroom.

"Abigail, we have to talk about what happened yesterday. I need to know what happened, and I promise I won't get angry. Now, either you played with knives when you shouldn't have, or you tried to kill someone. " He says seriously, kneeling down to my eye level to talk to me.

"Pick one." I say defiantly, and I see a brief smirk cross his face before he resets to a serious expression again.

"Abigail." He says sternly, not dropping the topic.

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