1. Legitimized

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why375 had the idea for a Bastard Targaryen in the capital, Thank You and I  hope you like it!


'Maeve today being your ten and sixth name day I wanted to do something special.' Maeve stared up at her father. 'Happy name day.' He handed her over a scroll she unrolled it. He legitimized her.

'Father is this real?'

'It is. Maeve Targaryen now and forever more.'


Lyanna Stark was betrothed to Robert Baratheon, the news made Ned glad this his best friend was going to be his brother but he also knew that Robert was Robert.

Shortly after the betrothal, Lord Walter Whent organized a great tourney at Harrenhal. Lyanna was exploring the ground when they came across a boy about Neds age, being tormented by squires of all people. Lyanna jumped forward scaring them away. But she said Maeve Targaryen already there.

'Youre bluffing!' the man shouted.

'I think you would best rethink that statement when it is I that has a blade to your throat!' Maeve countered.

'That's the princess you fucking tart!' his friend shouted. 'her father will have your head!'

"I... I...' Maeve lowered her blade from his throat. 'Sorry,' he murmured running off as Lyanna helped the young man up.

'Thank you my ladies, I greatly appreciate the help. I am Howland Reed.' He told them brushing himself off.

'I am Lyanna stark.' Lyanna introduced,

'Maeve.' She answered looking between them.

"Princess.' Howland bowed before her. Maeve had been a bastard at the capital for so long that she had a hard time with the sudden formality that came with being legitimized.

"I am glad you are alright.' Maeve said looking between them before heading out.

'You know the princess?' Lyanna questioned.

"No, she must have heard me shout. I have never met any of the royal family.' Howland told her.

"Hmm,' Lyanna looked back at Maeve as her long silver hair disappeared. "Come on, sit with my brothers and I.' Lyanna encouraged. Ned and Howland got along great, he even sat with them at the tourney. But Ned's attention moved to the Princess rather quickly.

'Rhaegar I hope you win today.' Maeve said fixing her brothers armor.

'Thank you sister.' Rhaegar told her. 'Hey, who is that?' Rhaegar nodded across the stadium. Maeve followed his gaze.

'There are a lot of people over there.' Maeve remarked.

'Stark, right?' Rhaegar questioned and Maeve rose a curious brow.

'Lyanna I believe she said her name was.' Maeve agreed.

"You met her?'

"Why are you asking about the stark girl?" Maeve questioned in a hushed voice. 'your wife and children are right there.' Maeve reminded him.

'Yes... just curious.' Rhaegar assured.

'Curiosity killed the dragon.' Maeve warned.

'Nonsense,' Rhaegar smirked down at her kissing her head before he headed out.

Rhaegar was a married man yet he couldn't stop staring at lyanna. Maeve noticed. She noticed how her brother looked at Lyanna and how lyanna looked back at him. But she knew nothing would come of it. For he was married and lyanna stark's engagement to the lord of the storms end had been declared on Maeve's name day. That was a big day for everyone apparently.

But as the tournament went on prince Rhaegar won time and time again. He was the victor and lyanna jumped up happily as she clapped for the prince. Maeve noticed her excitement but of course she was excited, Rhaegar was the prince, handsome and kind, everyone loved her brother. Elia was fussing with the children.

'Daddy won.' Maeve said taking her niece from Elia, as Maeve pointed at Rhaegar. 'Say yay daddy!" Maeve encouraged and she clapped in maeve's lap.

Prince Rhaegar, the heir to the Iron Throne, was the victor. Rhaegar was given a flower crown to give to the most beautiful woman at the competition. Maeve saw Elia start to rise up but rhaegar was walking in the opposite direction.

'Rhaegar.' Maeve hissed but he wasn't paying any attention to them. He rode past his wife, Princess Elia Martell, and placed a crown of winter roses, the crown of the Queen of Love and Beauty, on Lyanna's lap. This action outraged many because not only was Rhaegar married, but Lyanna was already betrothed to another man. Maeve held her breath as he handed the flower crown to lyanna. Neds eyes went wide and the crowd let out a gasp. Lyanna took the flower crown placing it on her head gently, her cheeks were as red as the rose in her hand.

'Thank you' she murmured he bowed before her.

Maeve stared at her brother as he rode back around dismounting his horse, a smile on his face. Maeve didn't have words, what was he thinking? He was going to stir up trouble. She could already hear people whispering, bickering, hissing Rhaegar's name with distaste. 

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