"I haven't seen him in a month." Mark says to his friends Johnny and Ten as they sit and eat lunch together.
"It hurts so fucking much. I think he has a wife or a boyfriend, I'm not sure but he could never choose me." Mark says with a few tears falling. He's been getting better but he still loves him, he will always love him.
"Thanks for lunch guys, it really helps to get out on occasion." He says with a smile.
When he leaves he decides to walk through the park just to enjoy the fresh air. He walks most of the length of it with his head up to the sky taking in the beautiful clouds but soon bumps into something or someone to be more specific. When he looks at them he can't believe it.
"Oh hi." He says awkwardly.
"Hi, how have you been?" He asks softly.
"Oh you know? I have a gaping hole in my chest but it will heal I suppose." He says with a hint of sarcasm. Yuta sighs.
"Can we talk? I'm ready." Mark scoffs.
"You're ready? I'm passed ready Yuta. I'm done." He says trying to keep up his cold exterior and starts to walk away so Yuta has no choice but to let him go.
"I love you too." Yuta says as he walks away. Mark stops dead in his tracks and cries his eyes out again. He's really getting tired of crying over this man so he figures maybe he could hear what he has to say but when he turns back to him and sees him on one knee with his arms stretched out, his jaw drops. He watches as a pretty little girl runs into his arms. He doesn't know what to feel so he just watches as Yuta talks lovingly with her and hugs her softly. He feels like an intruder when Yuta turns and starts walking toward him again.
"Mark, I would like you to meet someone. This is Yuri. She is my daughter. Say hello Yuri." He sets her on the ground and she holds her hand out.
"Hi, I'm Yuri. I'm five, you are handsome." Mark can't help but smile at her contagious smile. He shakes her hand.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Mark." He says softly.
"Are you the prince that my daddy loves?" She asks making Mark shake his head in confusion. He looks back up to Yuta and sees him with fat tears rolling down his face.
"I think maybe we can talk." Mark says quietly as he watches Yuta sigh in what looks like relief. He gets down on one knee again.
"Honey, go back over and play with your friends for a few minutes while daddy talks to prince Mark." She smiles widely and kisses his cheek before running away. Yuta leads Mark to a nearby bench and they sit within view of Yuri.
Yuta sighs and wipes his eyes.
"I've missed you, so much, and I'm so sorry for walking out that night but I couldn't stay. I had to go." Mark just stares at him with a lot of questions going on in his mind.
"There is nowhere for me to start except for the beginning. When I first met you, I thought you were perfect, I still do. I fell for your precious smile and your cute and addicting laugh. You are the epitome of beauty in my eyes, but there was someone else. My daughter." He pauses when Mark touches the back of his shaky hand for encouragement, he missed his touch so much.
"I've had my daughter since the beginning. I'm not embarrassed by her so don't think that, it's just that her mother had come back into my life shortly after we met, about a year and a half ago. She was absent for most of our daughters life and Yuri missed having a motherly figure in her life and because of that I had to bend over backwards just to keep her around. I didn't tell you because I thought you would get the wrong idea." He chuckles bitterly.
"In the end you did anyway." He squeezes Mark's hand.
"She insisted that she had to live with us. I made her sleep in her own room of course but she said that she would leave for good and never see Yuri again if I wasn't home every morning to take care of Yuri. She said if she was to sacrifice her life to spend time with her own child that I had to live this falsehood to please her. I hated every second of it. I wanted to marry you and I just couldn't. I realized of course after that night that something wasn't right. I think I always knew but for the sake of Yuri having a mother I didn't want to see just how messed up she really was. After a week of missing you. I told her I wasn't going to pretend anymore and she needed to decide if she was going to be a part of her life or sever ties for good." He sighs again and looks at his sweet baby girl.
"It took some time but Yuri has come to understand that her mommy is not coming back and while she's not ok with it she has at least finally accepted it." He chuckles with a soft smile.
"I kind of told her stories about how her daddy met a prince named Mark once upon a time and fell madly in love with him and wants to bring him home to our castle. It helped her to cope I think, the nightmares have stopped for now anyway." Mark hasn't lost the frown on his face since he started talking.
"Wow, that's a lot." He says finally.
"Look, I know I should have been honest from the beginning but I didn't think you would believe me anyway and why let you get attached to my daughter if you wouldn't stay?" Mark softens and looks at Yuri who is running toward them.
"Thank you for letting me explain. I would like to see you again but I understand if you don't want to, I probably wouldn't trust me either." He says just before Yuri jumps into his lap.
"Daddy, I'm hungry can we have lunch? And can prince Mark come too?" Yuta smiles softly at her and tries to explain that he can't when Mark chimes in.
"I would like to come to lunch with you, if your daddy is ok with it?" He Says before looking at Yuta. He nods with a big smile. He won't tell her he already ate.

After some time they got back together again. This time they say I love you frequently and have an open door policy with each other, actually and metaphorically. Yuta still couldn't sleep over because he didn't have anyone to watch her over night so they plan to wait to move in together.
Yuri loves prince Mark and she loves it when he is there to read bedtime stories with her daddy because they are funny together and she too likes to hear him laugh.

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