Dead Cell Problems

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Speaking of Abyss, he is now inside of the room of where Papyrus is residing in, inside of the capsule that has kept his condition stable, and prevented him from truly dying. Abyss looks down sadly at his brother, due to how he had became the way he is from there accident, all from that u known creature, and he has no way to deal with this sort of thing on his mind. Even though he wishes that he can know all of the answers, he knows that no matter the answer, he will not get what he wants. He'll have to keep in finding a way to heal his brother.

Abyss looked down as he sighed, very unhappy with the fact that his own brother is still not waking up, even though they had given him enough materials that can help him awaken. So why is he not waking up from the coma that he is inside of right now? It almost makes no sense whatsoever, and he does not get it at all. He closed his eyes, as he reflects on what his life had been before he had been forced to travel the AUs, where he still had his bro still awake, where he still has a lot of friends that are still alive before this all happened. He felt his fist tightened on his pants due to the fact that they had been repair his arms and most of his head, even his skull and brain, and yet, for some unknown reason, he is not waking up! Is it because this is not enough, even though it is? Or is it because of something else in play. He does not know the answer, even though he wishes that he does, as this is so confusing to him, due to how there is nothing that can help him in this, except that he needs to collect more materials. He touched his chest, as he felt something beat underneath. But it is not the CELL Core within his body. It is something else. It is the Conduit Soul inside of the CELL Core, the Conduit Soul of Life, the one that made him a target in the first place, and the one that has made him go this far. He closed his eyes, as he than felt the feeling of comfort from the Conduit Soul, as he tries to calm the mind that he has, in order to try and take what it is that is inside of his mind. He tries all he can to not think about what he had been through.

He tries all he can, but the grief of what he is feeling towards his brother was more than he can handle. And when he felt tears well up in his eyes, he felt a hand touch his shoulder. This made him stop, as he than rubbed his eyes, and he looks to see that it is none other than Ganyu, who has decided to come in and see how he is, as she than spoke out.

"I think it is best that you get out of this room, Sans. You are being distressed."

Abyss looked at Ganyu, and he nodded, as he spoke out.


Abyss got off the chair, and both went outside of the room, he still feels tears threatening to leak down his face, but he wipes them away so that he can be strong. As he walked away, he looks to see Ganyu had changed a little bit more than before. Her height is now different, changing at the height of 5'11, and stopping there, and her body almost resembles that of Xenovia, despite being taller, and Abyss does not want to think about Xenovia right now. And speaking of which, Ganyu's pupils are different, as they are now turquoise color. Seems like the CELL Core has improved their bodies immensely. Of course, Kunou and Ravel and Atla, their heights and appearances are still the same, just that their powers are much more immense than before. Abyss than spoke out to Ganyu, a question in the mind that he has.

"Ganyu...why was it like...for the process to have your soul replaced by this CELL Core that you has gained?"

Ganyu looked down a little bit, as she closed her eyes to think of an answer, before she than spoke out.

"It felt...weird. It felt like something important was being forced out of my body, like you are being ripped from a happy memory, or rather, having your heart being torn out of your chest, and my emotions felt like they were going to disappear, and when the CELL Core fit inside of my body, it felt like it was already being healed, and my emotions began to come back to me, with the emotions themselves healing, and yet, somehow, the person that helped us made it as painless as he could, just as he had said. And with the CELL Core, it feels more better than a normal soul, actually. It feels I can do anything, even though that is not really the case."

The Evolving Hero and the Ruler of the Abyss (Union Academy x Abyss Sans)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang