Chapter 35: Hello darkness, my old friend

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A few days later, it was pouring.

When the alarm set off at 7 am, Theo stretched and yawned beside me.

- Hmmmm good morning, babe. Do you want me to have breakfast with you?

- No... sleep, once you can.

I kissed him goodbye, and he stayed in bed a little longer.


That day, I was working on a 12-hours Emergency Room shift, 8 am to 8 pm.

The day was gloomy, and luckily we didn't have many admissions.

During the afternoon, my colleague and I took a little break.

We sat down in our little kitchenette, and turned on the kettle.

I texted Theo:

Pretty quiet in here *fingers crossed* You?

Same for now *fingers crossed* the rain is scaring them off. See you tonight *kiss*


Outside it was thundering, and the temperatures had dropped considerably.

I was all jittery because my period hadn't come- it was just a day late but, you know.

My colleague tried to convince me to take a blood sample for a pregnancy test, but I decided to wait at least a couple of days.

I don't know why, I felt like it would bring bad luck to get over-excited immediately.

But yes... I was pretty excited.


Eventually, the shift came to an end, with not too many noteworthy cases.

Just a usual day in the ER.

By 10 past 8, we had handed over the ER to the colleagues of the night shift, and we were heading home.

I was so tired, I didn't even get changed: I threw a coat over my hospital scrub, and headed back home.

When I arrived, I was dripping wet. I left my umbrella outside, and unlocked my front door.

I got in, but something was... off.

The house was dark.

Usually, I would expect to find Theo in his pyjamas, busy in the kitchen.

The first one that got home, would always cook dinner.

Set the table.

And then, maybe draw some silly cartoon or comic strip, on a paper towel.

But that night, the house was dark, and quiet.

I dropped the keys into their bowl, and took off my coat.

- Theo?

No answer.

- Babe, are you there?

I turned on the entryway light, and then, I saw him. Actually he was just standing there. In the living room.

He was fully clothed: shirt, trousers, shoes.

- Theo, what's going on? Are you going out?

He looked... I couldn't say. Weird.

- What's going on? Are you alright?

And he stared at me, for a moment. Without answering me.

- Theo. Are you ok??


And I didn't know it, yet, but my fourth life was about to begin.

And God knows... I was not ready for it.

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