Chapter 12: Stories

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One night, I had been drinking a little more than usual. I felt dizzy- more than usual- I always did, because of my anaemia.

No one seemed interested in taking me home... again.

So, Theo offered.

I didn't want him to; I didn't like to depend on others.

But eventually, he did, anyway.

I could have insisted, but, I don't know.

I didn't.

It took me quite a while to walk back home.

Through the walk, I learned a few interesting things, though.

Theo liked weird horror movies, and some unknown indie movies that I thought no one else knew, apart from me.

But it turned out, that Theo did.

He read manga, like I did. More than read, he was absolutely passionate of them.

He suggested me some new ones that I could read.

When I arrived back home, I felt... I don't know.



The first year of Uni was almost over, and the summer holidays were waiting for us.

I had very good grades, despite caring for a 2 years-old toddler every weekend, and struggling more and more with painful periods and anaemia.

Only one person always found a way to help me, without making me feel as if I was a burden for him.


I started to be irritated by him, though.

He was too... I don't know.

Too many things that were falling into place.

Too quickly.

I did not want that.


I realized during that summer, just how scary my connection with Theo was.

I had mentioned him that I wrote stories, as a hobby.

He had insisted on reading them, but I didn't want him to.

After a while, he had stopped asking.

But during that summer, I was bored.

I was studying, but I was home all day.

Most of my friends were having nice holidays around the world, posting pictures on Facebook (yes, we did use Facebook, back then).

I spent my time with my little brother.

Sometimes, I missed having an adult around, that I could talk to.

So, I picked up my phone, and started texting Theo again.

I had cut it off, because...

I didn't know exactly.

When I texted him, time seemed to fly.

With others, I talked.

With him, it was like my brain opened up fully, and we went into deep long conversations about the meaning of life, about medicine, about movies, about everything.

So one day, I took a leap.

I sent him one of my stories.

He liked it- to put it blandly.

He got hooked on those.

I eventually sent him almost anything that I had written, and then, I started writing some more, especially for him.

And like that, the summer passed by; and I didn't know it yet, but my third life was about to begin.

But this time... yes, maybe I was a little bit ready for it.

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