Chapter 23: Doctor Bi

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It was a cold day of November, when we graduated from med school.

We were then 25 years old.

Me, Jasmine, and George, and Max, and Theo.

No more sleepless nights spent on our books- well, those will never end, actually.

But it was not only that, not anymore.

We would be doctors, for real.

Walking the path of life together with our patients, and fighting with them. Crying with them. Hoping with them.

And maybe, just maybe, we'd be able to make a tiny little bit of a difference, in someone else's life.

When we read the Oath that we were supposed to read, I cried.


My three siblings were there, looking at me, that day.

My little brother was 7; his eyes were glistening the whole day.

My sister said, do you want to be a doctor like Bi, one day??

He said, yes!

I realized that day, that I was an example for him.

And what an example! I thought to myself. I had basically abandoned him to pursue my own dreams.

Well done, Doctor Bi.

But still...

In that moment, I felt like he didn't need only someone to be around him 24/7.

He also needed inspiration: inspiration to build up his own life, one day.

To leave the past behind, and be more than what his parents had made of him.

To be what he wanted to be, and he alone.

And that day, I thought that at least, I could be that inspiration for him.


After graduation, my roommate was finding a place of her own, and so was Max.

Theo and I were left alone; at the time, we had been together roughly 5 years.

And so, it came just naturally.

We moved in together: in that shithole that was my apartment.

We said goodbye to the big mouldy house: it was beautiful, but too big for us.

The owner had actually decided to finally renovate it, and he was not going to rent it out for a while.

I always wished that one day, we would have been able to buy it back.


But anyway, Dr Bi and Dr Theo moved in, into the small apartment located at the 12 of May Street.

The walls were crumbling down, the kitchen didn't work, and there wasn't a real closet, but, anyway.

The first thing we did, was hanging our graduation parchments and our Oaths on the wall, in our bedroom.

We stood there, admiring our work, satisfied: our life was now really going to begin.

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