Chapter 15: Get off my case

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Our friendship with benefits was rapidly evident to all of our friends.

I was seeing Jasmine less, because I was packing up my bags and going to Max and Theo's apartment as often as I could.

Jasmine had started being serious with a guy she was dating, as well, so she was busy most times.

But we would still talk to each other at least once a week, and share all the naughtiest details.

Same with my sister, on weekends.

We would put the little one in front of the TV sometimes, and then talk about our dates.

In that period, I was writing less, I realized.

Jasmine as well.

We were too busy actually living our lives, we had no time for writing anymore.


And my friends would all know.

I would be sitting on Theo's knees when we went for a coffee in the canteen, and he would absent-mindedly run his fingers along my arms.

Once, we were drunk at a party, and he pinned me against a wall, and kissed me in front of everyone.

My friends kept asking if then... were we officially together?

And of course... I said no, we're just, you know.

It's not a relationship. Just.

Something else.

I abhorred the idea.

I wasn't going to be anyone's girlfriend.

That fact that I was making out with Theo every spare minute, yes, it didn't mean anything really.


In the meanwhile, my health was worsening, and keeping up with my tests was getting more and more difficult.

We studied together from morning to evening, from Monday to Friday, most weeks, squeezing in some make-up sessions during the free intervals.

Almost all of my friends were starting to settle into relationships: Jasmine had been dating her boyfriend, Alex, for a while; then there were Max and Martha; and the other friends of our group as well. George actually met his girlfriend - now, his wife- on our third year, instead.

By then, our group was complete.

I never felt like I belonged to anything, as much as I did back then.

I had really found a sort of family, in my Uni friends.


On weekends, I would go away, most times. And so would Theo. To see our families.

He had mentioned having some issues with his family as well, but I hadn't gotten the details of it... yet.

It was something that we could unite on, anyway.

Eventually, he started to spend some weekends with me, with my family.

He was always nervous, because of those "issues".

But he came, anyway.

He met my brother and my sister, and the little one.

They got along immediately.

He was very, like, I don't know. Like a big brother to them as well.

He was peeking into my most intimate thing: my family.

But still... we weren't officially a couple, yet.

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