Chapter 28: A crack in the wall

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One day, my phone beeped.

I had gotten a WhatsApp message from Lisa, Theo's brother boyfriend.

Bi, I need to tell you something. Something happened. I don't understand, I have no idea what is going on.

What happened?

Daniel broke up with me. I don't know why, Bi. I have no idea. Nothing happened. He just came home and, out of the blue. He just dumped me. I don't know what's going on. Has he talked to you??

I was shocked.



Daniel loved Lisa. He adored her.

And she adored him back.

Or at least, that's what I was seeing.

It made no sense at all.

I called Theo immediately, but he knew nothing about it.

Daniel had not spoken to anyone about it.


Eventually, I ended up talking to Lisa less and less. She told me she was in shock; she was moving back in with her mom, and she needed some time alone to figure her life out. She didn't want to talk to me, or Theo. She didn't want to talk about Daniel. She needed to find the strength to put her life back together.

Years later, she eventually told me that yes, she had moved on. She was going on with her life, dating again. She was happy again.

But what happened was still an open wound in her heart: something she couldn't wrap her head around.

Daniel was the love her life. She never understood why it ended the way it did.


Unfortunately, the same thing couldn't be said for Daniel: after the sudden, inexplicable breakup, he withdrew more and more into himself.

To me, he never explained the reasons why he did it. To my knowledge, he didn't explain to Theo either. He said something like, he wasn't in love anymore. But why, we never knew.

He started going out less and less, spending his time alone, playing videogames.

Sometimes, even when we were having lunch together with his family- his father was slowly, slowly starting to accept my presence- Daniel wouldn't even come out of his room.

I was very worried for him.

We invited him to spend time with us, as often as we could. Tried to break into the walls he was building around himself.

But we never really managed to... at least, not until I had been in contact with him.

I still wonder, up to this days, why it had happened.

But as I realized later on, life doesn't always happen for a reason... or at least, not one that we can comprehend.

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