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After Morgan brought us the news of the green light on the mission, we all found it hard to fall asleep as the sun was rising. The teams actually stayed up outside on top of the wall of the obstacle course to watch the sunrise together, hoping that this time tomorrow, we will be doing it again after a successful op. Once the sun had crested the horizon Ryan and I made our team's call it a night. We all went to get some food before turning in to try and get some sleep before the mission.

Going to sleep this morning I found actually was pretty easy. I was wiped out from training all night and was ready to just crawl into bed and not move for a while. I knew I would have to be up early because all I did when we got back from the mess hall was jump right into the shower and go right into bed.

When I woke up later that night most of the team was still asleep. The only person I found was awake already was Morgan. She was sitting at the common room table with a laptop open working away. She barely glanced up at me when I walked into the room to start a pot of coffee. Once I got it brewing, I walked up behind her and saw she was looking over personal files. After taking an extra second to listen to the room and heard nothing, I leaned down wrapped my arms around Morgan and kissed the top of her head. Morgan jumped a little but settled once she felt my fingers brush against the side of her neck.

"Living on the edge I see." Morgan said quietly.

"We are the only ones awake right now, this will probably be the only moment I'll have alone with you all day, I want to take it." I said not letting go just yet.

Morgan hmmed at my statement before closing the lid of her laptop and stood from her chair. Her arms wrapped around me tightly and I sank right into her. Neither of us said anything, we knew what could happen tonight and I just wanted a few precious seconds in my lovers arms. When I pulled my head up from the crook of her neck I made sure I didn't hear anyone stirring yet before I leaned in and kissed Morgan. The kiss wasn't supposed to be long; it was just supposed to show her my love.

When I pulled away first, Morgan chased after me but I heard someone starting to move in the bunk rooms. I leaned my forehead against Morgan's for an extra second before I pulled away from her completely and made my way over to the coffee machine. Just as I started to pour a mug for myself a door opened and I heard some grumblings behind me. Specialist Akito Tanaka was standing next to me waiting for the coffee that just finished brewing. I gave him my mug before grabbed another for myself.

After I put some sugar and a splash of milk just to change the color, I returned to our bunk room to start to get ready. The coffee was still a bit warm so I just left it on my side table to cool as I pulled out my dark camo gear for night raid. I dressed myself quickly before lacing up my boots and started to sip my coffee.

When I downed all of it, I grabbed my pistol and holster and wrapped it around my thigh before leaving the room. I put the mug into the sink and gave it a rinse before leaving the common room to grab something for breakfast in the mess hall. Even though it's about 18:00 hours, the chefs know about our night raid and how our schedules are flipped and have also been making a selection of breakfast foods for us. I grabbed some pancakes, eggs and bacon along with a slice of the chocolate cake before taking a seat at an open table.

I was able to get through my breakfast without anybody bothering me. News of our green light has probably made its way through the base today so everyone knows to steer clear of those that are on the raid. After I finished up the last of my cake, I went to the ready room and started to get ready. First I pulled out my small backpack and grabbed three MRE's from the boxes we have. Next, I filled and inserted my water bladder in my backpack. After that was secure, I put the med kit we all built with CPL Emmett into the bag before I turned my attention to loading magazines.

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