Chapter 35

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At the end of the movie everyone had tears in their eyes. RM hyung was consoling Jimin while Jhope hyung and Jin hyung were hugging each other as they cried. Suga hyung was reassuring Jung kook. I was sad but I didn't cry so I went towards y/n who seemed to have bawled her eyes out. 

"Most of us cried so it's okay. Look at those two *Points at Jin and Jhope* they have been crying like that since the movie started." She giggled.

"HYUNG!! You shouldn't do that!!" Jung kook said in frustration

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"HYUNG!! You shouldn't do that!!" Jung kook said in frustration. But why was he angry...and why was he looking at me as he said that? Suga hyung switched on the lights.

"I should not do what?" I asked.

"You shouldn't go around-"

"Go around being mean. He thought you were being mean to her."

"To me?!" Y/n said a little surprised.

"To her? I was being mean? And on what context do you say that?"

"Because you always seem to be mean to her. Anyway since the movie is over let's all go to sleep." Jimin told and dragged Jung kook to his room who was glaring at me the whole time.

"Hyung what is wrong with him?" I whispered to Jin hyung.

"Nothing is wrong with him. You should sleep." He told and rushed off to his room.

"Are you guys good because he did not look like he was talking about you being mean?" Y/n told and I agree with her.

"You go ahead and sleep since you look tired I will talk to them about what is going on." Y/n nodded and dozed off.


"Is he okay?"

"Unless and until one of us confronts to him about it, he won't be okay." Hobi hyung said.

"I will go talk to him." Jimin told and was about to open the door when.

"Can someone please tell me what is happening?" V asked.

"Do you not notice? He is being jealous."

"Jealous of what?"

"Jealous of you getting close to her. He has been acting like this for a week now. I thought you would be the first to notice." Jimin said. 

"Well let me go talk to him." He told and before we could even stop him he went in and closed the door.

"This is going to end badly." Jimin told to which I agree. They never argue but when they do its like fire and fire arguing. It will just cause more destruction.

Jung kook's POV

"Why do you look so frustrated?" V hyung asked. Did he really not notice me being irritated?

"Why must I tell you? I thought you would know. would you, since you were busy getting close to her."

"Excuse me...that was rude Jung kook. Really rude. You know she is alone right now with her friend being stuck in the lockdown. I was just trying to be her friend."

"Friend? Then what am I, an idiot?"

"You have other five people with look after you. It wouldn't make a difference if I am not one of them." That hurt.

"It will always make a difference. You would not realise that since you now have someone you care about more than me. Some dumb girl who is lonely-"

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!Mister you take that back!! That is just you being disrespectful

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"JEON JUNGKOOK!!Mister you take that back!! That is just you being disrespectful. You are not like this."

"You do know all of us have changed. Over the past year we all have changed...we all have that dark side to ourselves but I have been trying to hide it until now."

"I don't care what dark side you have but you do not have the right to insult or disrespect anyone even if you are the most perfect man in the world. So you take back what you just said, right now."

"I won't. She is a lonely and a crazy girl who let a bunch of stranger into her house." *Bam* He slapped me across the face. The one thing I least expected from him. "You are not the same."

"Those words does not suit coming from your mouth." He said and walked off. Why would he do this to me? Only for her, he slapped me.

Writer's POV

"What happened?" Jimin asked V while RM had gone inside to check on Jung kook. V shrugged Jimin's hand and went to sleep. RM saw Jung kook cry. He went in and hugged him telling its okay. Jimin tried to hold back V but it became impossible. So he went in to see RM console Jung kook.

"Hyung he is not Kim Taehyung. He is not the Tae hyung I know." Jung kook said through his sobs. RM signalled Jimin to bring ice after seeing him hold his cheek which had turned red. Jimin ran at once to bring ice. He wanted to go and scream at V but Y/n was asleep.

"Jimin you go ahead and sleep I am right here with him." RM told. Jimin went to his room to see Jin hyung wide awake listening to everything that happened.

"So, care to explain me anything?" Jin told with coldness in every word since he wasn't informed about it before. 

"Whatever you heard is true." Jimin sat and explained him everything that night. 

Writer here: First off I would like to start by saying that you may hate me for causing this fight between them but that is part of the story. Now *as I change the subject* the good news...LISA WON A VMA!!! IDK why I was so so happy for her!! They won 2 VMAs!! I was really happy the whole day!! Again thank you for reading!!

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