Chapter 9

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Suga's POV

"May we see the picture first? Then we will agree to do it."

"Why?" Y/n was confused.

"Because we want to see if the guy is trust worthy."

"Just by looking at the picture you are going to judge him? You are going to decide if he, is trust worthy?" She asked, a little irritated.

"Well, I can't disagree. It's for our own safety, you know. We are after all 'BTS'...and I don't think we can trust anybody except-" She cut me off.

"Then why are you here? Go to where you are from. Oh sorry, you can't because you aren't even from this 'timeline'...You're from the future. Also, my friend does not care about who the hell you people are. Famous or not, all he cares about is this present world, not of the people who have come from future. BTS?! Are you serious? You had to take that card out? How pathetic!!"

"Hey, you just crossed the line!!" She really crossed the line. Jin hyung and RM came to calm me down but it seemed like they wanted to hold me down.

"I crossed the line?!! WOW!! Brave of you to even say that

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"I crossed the line?!! WOW!! Brave of you to even say that."

"HEY, you are taking this too far than it has to be." I was angry...very angry. This time even Hobi joined to hold me down. They all could sense my anger. I never get angry but this time she is way past the line.

"It has already gone too far. Since the day you came here...I had been quite, but bringing out the 'I AM FAMOUS CARD'...THAT SENTNCE WAS WAY PAST THE LINE!!" V went to calm her down but she stepped back.

"Don't try to calm me down. I am trying so hard for you guys who I don't care about. Yet the audacity of you to say that. GOSH!! How shameful!! You can seriously get out of this house, for all I care. But you should know that no one will respect you or even care about what you guys want. No wonder you came back to make things right." That's it she said what I didn't want her to say.

"Y/N YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT!! Do you have any idea what happened, why we came back or how it came to that? NO YOU DON'T!!" Jin hyung pulled me back

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"Y/N YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY THAT!! Do you have any idea what happened, why we came back or how it came to that? NO YOU DON'T!!" Jin hyung pulled me back.

"Exactly my point. I DO NOT CARE!! But YOU came to a stranger's house. YOU people are staying in my house not the other way around. Do you even realize? You guys were famous and will be famous...You aren't happy but you can be while I have no choice. Once you get the shit out of here to your future, I have to live with my family again. It's frustrating and tiring but I don't hate them and I cannot blame them either. And now you came here instead of them..." Everyone was quite.

"*sighs* I shouldn't have said what I said and neither should you have. Take this *unlocks her phone and shows the picture* judge him how much ever you want and make your decision. But he is trust-worthy. There is no one else I can ask help from. There were other people but you replaced them too. *sighs* I will not apologies because I don't want to. You made a mistake and so did I so, let's call it even."

"ARE YOU-" Jin hyung squeezed my hand and I stopped talking. I was angry so I snatched my hand from his grasp and went to the kitchen.

You're POV

"One of you can come tell me once you're done deciding. And Hobi this time...please don't come behind me. I really want to be alone. Someone else might need you, so go ahead." I walked out closing the door behind me.

My neighbours were the nicest people. Their sons would always treat me like their own sister. I would always go to their house uninvited and none of them ever complained. Every time my parents were busy arguing...this house would bring peace to me, the people who live here bring peace to me. But now that they are not there this is just an empty house. Again I fought and came here with a little faith...a little hope of them being here but they aren't here. *Tears falling* I wish at least they were here.

Writer POV

Suga enters the kitchen and slams his hand on the kitchen-slab with anger. He was really angry and only one person can talk to him when he is like this. "Calm down, will you." Jin said. "How can she say that?! Who is she to say that?!" Suga said not looking at Jin.

"She lives in this house. I can't believe you out of all ...YOU argued with someone who is so much younger than you." Jin said calmly. 

"Are you serious right now? Did you not listen to what she said?" Suga said expecting an explanation.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!!? What is wrong with you?" Jin said. 


RM knew that the argument was going to get bigger so he had told Jimin to take Jung kook inside. He wanted to stay back but Jimin dragged him inside the room. He closed the door so he couldn't run away and sat beside him. "You okay?"

"What is wrong with Suga hyung?"


"I mean, why is he acting like that? All of us are different aren't we? We are not sweet, respectable or sane anymore."

"We are going to be okay. This is just a passing phase."

"Hyung. if it was a passing wouldn't have lasted for a year. It's all because of him that all of our artists are suffering. Each and every staff are suffering and we are to be blamed."

"No, Jung kook they don't blame us. They just want someone to went their anger at We have to understand them-"

"Why should we? Why should we understand them? Why are we the ones they choose to went their anger out on?" By the time Jimin could say anything they heard the loud noise that came from when Suga slammed his hand. "Hyung I think we have to go out." 

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