"Yeah In Sha Allah she will be fine. I'll try my best."

"Alright thanks a lot I'll hang up now. See you when I come later."

"Alright, till you come."

Zaliha ended the call and sighed in relief. She's so happy Ma is now fine and is been discharged from the hospital. She's now so worried about the fact that Nadiya's mother have a mental illness. That is very serious. Her past really got into her. She's very sure Nadiya has no idea about her mother's illness as she's never talked about it with her and Nadiya doesn't keep any secret from her. Nadiya's mother after hearing about Nadiya's kidnapping, fell unconscious. Could there be a reason for that? Off course a mother would be worried when her child gets kidnapped, but she feels Ma is hiding something. Zaliha is thinking about who might've kidnapped Nadiya as she is a good person and doesn't even have enemies! But then, what could Ma be hiding from them all?

She remembered vividly when Nadiya's mother came back and she told Nadiya everything about their past, Nadiya had told Zaliha every bit of it and from what she remembered, Nadiya said something about her mother not willing to tell her the words her father said before leaving them. Her mother said that day was horrible for her because before her husband left, he had said something which shocked her and scared her till today.

In the worst-case scenario, Zaliha feels what he said could be to come back for his daughter. Honestly, even though her father isn't a good person and acted like he did not care about them, Nadiya said he loved her mother immensely and the baby she was carrying, before it all changed when he received a job offer. If what he said is that he's coming back for his daughter, then off course he is responsible for the kidnapping because Khadijah said the people who followed them were not even Nigerians! Plus Nadiya said her father left for Brazil! If one looks into the whole scenario, he would be able to put two and two together and figure out what is going on.

At this stage, Zaliha's eyes look like they're about to fall due to the shock she got as she figured what is really going on. Now, she's positive about her assumptions. Her father is the one who kidnapped her! She's with him.

"Oh my God! Nadiya has been kidnapped by her own father. That means he's back! He has taken her away from her mother. Oh God, now what?" She keeps talking, talking to herself, scarily. "That's why Ma fell unconscious! It was too much for her. She knew who kidnapped her daughter in the first place." Zaliha is already crying now. She continued crying, alone in her room. Who will she tell all of this? Who would help her out of this shock?

She realised the only person she will discuss this with is the person who also knew about it.

So she stood up, washed her face, got dressed and quickly left the house.


"Hey Man? Any update about Nadiya's whereabout?" Abubakr had asked as soon as Umar picked the call.

"No not yet, but they're still searching. Look I need you to please do me a favour."

"Sure, what is it?"

"I want us to meet at a place. Get the girls as well, off course with their permission then we would meet. I'd like to discuss with them about the case. What they may know might help with the case." Umar said. Abubakr needn't think twice before understanding who the girls are.

"Alright then. I'll do just that. But where exactly are we meeting?"

"I don't really know. Do you have a better place? I wanted us to meet at my house, but I don't know how they'd feel about that, plus dad is at home..."

"I understand. Okay I'll text you where we'd meet when I find the right place."

"Fine. I'll see you." They hung up at the same time.

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