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*Kat's Pov*

It was now the day that I was going back to school. I had agreed to meet Bella on the corner but Jay said no and that he would drop me in.

"Why can't I walk?" I asked towards Jay as I was packing my bag.

"Because Ethan gave you the all clear but told you to keep exercise to a minimum."

"Exactly, minimum. Walking is a minimum."




"Jay, I will be walking around school all day."

"No, you will not. You walk to your lessons and that is it."

"Do you know how far some of my lessons are?"


"I will be walking about 16,000 steps a day what's a few more?"

"Kat, listen to Jay." Said Will.

"But Will-"

"Kat. Listen to Jay."

"Uh. Fine." I sighed and walked into my room to get dressed.

I had just put on a pair of jeans and my sports bra when I was looking for a top. I picked up a baggy one and tried to put it over my head but it stretched my ribs and I was in pain. I refused to prove Jay wrong so I kept trying but stopped when I let out a yelp of pain.

"Kat? You okay?" Asked Jay as he knocked on my door.

"Can you get Will?"

Will walked into my room a few moments later and stopped when he saw me in bra.

"Kat. What's up?" He said, covering his eyes.

"I can't put a top on without pain." I sighed.

He walked over to me and got me to put my arms out in front of me. He slid my arms through the holes and then carefully put my head through the head hole.

I gave him a small smile as I tucked the back of the top in and then let the front hang baggy.

"Are any bruises showing?" I asked as I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed my hair.

Will came over and gripped my shoulders lightly before looking at the mirror and then me.

"You don't have any bruises showing anymore. Only a few on your upper arms but they are covered and the ones on your face have cleared up."


"No problem. Come on, you need breakfast before school."

I followed him out and sat at the island table as Jay poured me some cereal.


"So, what happened?" Asked Jay.

"Nothing." I tried to say before Will interrupted me.

"She couldn't put her top on."

"Will! You traitor." I said.

"See, this is why you can't walk to school."

"What? It's not like I'm going to be walking to school and putting a top on at the same time."



"Drop it."


Jay dropped me off to school and I met Bella at the gate. She was dressed in shorts and crop top. God, I wish I could do that but I can't until my ribs heal.

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