Help, please

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*Kat's Pov*

After a few hours, everyone had left the party. Bella and I were cleaning up the last few bits when Noah and Andy walked through the door.

"Did you sell?" Asked Noah.

"No. Cops were in the house."

"Did they go near the bookcase?" Asked Andy towards Bella.

"Someone did but I shooed them away."

"You idiot. I told you not to let anyone near there." Said Andy as he slapped Bella.

"Bella!" I shouted as I went to run over.

"Don't be so dramatic." Said Noah as he pulled me away.

"Did you throw the drugs out?" Noah asked.

"No. I did." Said Bella, cutting me off.

"Where did you throw them?" Asked Andy.

"Out into the street."

"They're not there now. So someone picked them up. Probably the cops. You idiot." Snapped Noah as he shoved Bella into a wall.

"Leave her alone." I cried, trying to get past Noah.

"Let's go." He said, pulling me out of the house.

When we got outside, I heard Bella scream and I went to run towards the house but I was pulled back.

*Bella's Pov*

Andy grabbed a hold of my wrist and threw me to the floor as he grabbed a baseball bat. I covered my head, waiting for him to hit me but it never came. Instead he smashed the glass cabinet and all the pictures and trophies that I had won for cheerleading fell to the floor. He shoved me into the living room as he picked up a glass bottle and threw it at my head, I ducked and it smashed against the wall. He punched me in the stomach and threw me over the couch. Adrenaline was pumping through my veins as I punched him back and then hit him with a plate.

"Wow. You're weak." He laughed, throwing me to the floor.

I took out his legs and he fell to the floor but he just punched me harder. He punched me in the ribs a few times before spitting on the floor and leaving me there.

I grabbed onto the wall and pushed myself up to my feet as I trudged upstairs and into my bathroom after a while of sitting on the floor in pain. I was searching for my first aid kit when I heard a noise behind me.

"I don't care that you have a first aid kit. But after what you did today, you don't get to use it. Not for a while at least." Said Andy.

I went to lunge for him but he lunged back and stabbed me in the abdomen with a knife. I looked up at him, tears welling in my eyes as I dropped to the floor. He walked out, locking the door and taking my phone with him. I reached out towards the door before I eventually gave up and pushed myself backwards towards the wall so I could keep pressure on the wound and not pass out.

*Kat's Pov*

"Why would you let him do that? I thought you were better!" I shouted.

"Better? No. I'm the same. Andy is the same. You do realise he won't be caught for this. He's planned everything out, like I did."

"You are evil."

"A villain is evil. I'm no villain."

"No? Then what do you call these!" I shouted as I lifted up my shirt to show him the bruises.

"I didn't do them. Now, please stop shouting. I'm going out with Andy in an hour, stay out of trouble." He said as he left the room to get ready.

Noah left to go and meet Andy. They were both dressed in fully black suits. I watched them get in their cars and drive off before I went to check on Bella.

I hopped the fence and brought Archie with me in case I needed him. I broke into the back door and my face turned to shock as I looked at the mess on the floor. He was going to make it look like a break in.

I legged it upstairs and into Bella's room where I thought she would be but wasn't.

"Bella!" I called out as I searched the other floors.

I walked back into her room and saw her first aid kit on the bed, open. She wouldn't leave it there because that means that Andy would see it.

I tried opening the bathroom door but it wouldn't budge. I banged on the door, trying to get Bella to answer but it wouldn't budge. I ran into the door, using my shoulder to get it open. After three tries, I burst through the door and saw Bella sat up against the wall, a pool of blood surrounding her.

"Hey. I've got you." I said as I pushed gauzes into the wound.

"Heyyy." Bella replied.

"You're going to make it, okay?"

"Is that Archie?"

"Yeah. You want to see him." I smiled through tears.

"No. He can get to the 21st. Tell him to go and get Jay. He can do it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Hey, Archie. Go get Jay." Said Bella, stroking his head as he barked and then ran down the steps.

I held her and her cheek as I smiled at her. I put our foreheads together as we smiled at each other.

"I've got you, okay? I'm not letting you go."

*Jay's Pov*

I refused to go home yet because I had a bad feeling. And I was right.

We were sat chatting upstairs when the door buzzer went off. Trudy ran up the stairs with Archie in front of her. He had blood on his head and was in a rush, it looked like he had ran here by himself.

"Archie?" Asked Kevin as he looked at the dog.

"Hey, boy. What's wrong?" I asked as he ran down the steps again, barking as he went.

We all grabbed our jackets and ran down the steps. None of us bothered to get our cars as our adrenaline was sky high. We all ran four blocks to get to Kat's house but we stopped when Archie kept running. We all looked at each other and went to run to Kat's house but Archie stepped in front of us and growled, telling us not to go up there. He ran again to another house.

"It's Bella's house." Said Kevin as we ran in.

We kicked down the back gate and ran through the back door before running up the stairs.

"Someone! Anyone! Please help!" We heard Kat shout.

We ran into the room and looked into the bathroom to see the white tiles turned red and Kat, covered in blood. She was bent over Bella, doing chest compressions.

"H-help. P-please." Begged Kat.

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