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When they got to the airport, they thanked the driver and then walked over to Andy's private plane.

"Hey, Bella. You must be Kat." Said Leonardo as he shook Bella's hand.

"Yeah. Hi." Said Kat as she shook his hand.

"Where to?" He asked.

"New York." Replied Bella.

"Okay. The pilot is thirty minutes out. As soon as he gets here, we will leave. Are you okay?" He explained before looking towards Kat.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You don't look great."

"I'm fine." Kat said and gave a fake smile.

*Jay's Pov*

"I texted Kat most of the charges but we should explain some of the others." I said.

"Yeah. Sounds good." Said Antonio as we went leave but Hank stopped us.

"It's missing." He said.

"What is?"

"51 got the safe open. The money is all gone."

"What? That's not possible. They said it was all there."

Hank stormed off to the interrogation room and I followed shortly behind.

"Are you bullshitting us?"

"What?" Asked Andy.

"The money is gone."

"What have you done?" Andy asked.

"What have we done? What have you done?"

"The money should be in the safe." Said Andy.

"Well it's not and Noah's is missing too." Hank said.

"Who took it?" I asked.

"Not anyone I can think of apart from our daughters who know the codes but they are both in hospital." Said Andy.

"You're being taken to county." Said Hank.

"Find my money."

We both ignored him as we walked towards the door and out of the room. We heard hands slam on the table as the chair legs scraped the floor.

"Get me my money!" Shouted Andy.

"Noah hasn't said anything." Said Kevin.

"We need to get to the hospital, the girls could be in trouble." Said Hank as we all grabbed our coats and left the bullpen.

We walked into the hospital late at night to see Will pacing back and forth as Maggie was talking to security.

"Hey, Earl. What's going on?" I asked as I walked into the waiting room.

"Um. I'm sorry, Jay. They're gone." He said.

I looked at him, my face full of confusion as I walked up to Will. He turned to face me, guilt written all over his face.

"What is going on?" I asked as the unit gathered round to listen.

"They left the hospital. Kat took her IV out like she's seen it be done a thousand times. She took Bella with her. It's bad Jay."

"Oh my god." Said Kim as she turned around and sighed.

"We have to find them." Said Antonio.

"Jay, she could tear her stiches." Said Ethan as he joined us.

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