What happened?

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Will gave her a sad look and then got her to sit down with the rest of us.

"Bella has been taken straight up to surgery. Currently, we are struggling to control the bleeding. As soon as I know anything else, I'll inform you guys." Said Will before turning on his heel and then leaving.

"What happened at the party?" I asked.

It was such a bad time to ask but we needed to put our events in order to try and help Bella get justice for what had happened.

"My dad asked me to sell drugs. I threw them out but Bella took the blame."

"The drugs were fake. They were just paracetamol." Said Kevin.

"You have to be kidding me." Said Kat.

"I'm sorry, Kat."

"You were still at the party. Why didn't you come and tell us that the drugs were fake?" Said Kat towards Adam.

"We didn't know until later, okay. Kevin had to get them tested."

"Bella is currently fighting for her life in surgery for something she didn't actually do mainly because I was an idiot who threw out fake drugs. I should've just sold them. It would be a perfect cure for a hangover."

"Yeah but what about when someone takes more than the amount your supposed to take an ends up overdosing?"

"It is my fault! My fault, that Bella is in here. I should be the one on that table."

"No one should be on that table, okay?"

"Yeah well she is and I can't do anything about it. You can though."

"We are staying here until she wakes up." Said Kim.

"Why? You don't know her. To you, she is just another case that you help out in and then move on."

"Hey! Bella and I are quite close. Same goes for you." Snapped Antonio.

"You and I are not close. If we were close, you would've got Bella out of that undercover and then arrested our fathers but you didn't."

"No. Instead we came back for you." Said Antonio.

"No. Jay and Will came for me. You cared more about the undercover than our safety."

"We are trying to put them away for a long time!" Snapped Antonio.

"I would rather you got us to safety before trying to put them away. Every move you make, that's another hit we receive!"

"Guys. I know this is a stressful time but can we all please quieten down?" Said Will as he came out.

Kat just nodded her head and pulled up her hood, bringing her knees up to her chin and her feet resting on the chair.

"We are going to check out the house." I said.

"I'll stay." Said Jay.

When we got to the house, the scene was a lot less busy but there was still press and neighbours, trying to get a peek of what was happening.

We walked into the house to see Andy sat on the edge of the sofa in the living room with his head in his hands.

"Is Bella okay?"

"She's still in surgery. She is only at the hospital, one of the cop cars can drop you down there."

"No. I need to hold down the fort here and get looking at the repairs. I need to clean Bella's bathroom. Oh Bella." He said as he started to fake cry.

"Who would want to do something like this?" Asked Andy as he looked up to us.

Andy has dark brown hair and lightly tanned skin. Most of the time, we see him with slicked black hair and the same gold watch on. However, this time the watch was silver and his hair was kind of fluffy and just sat on his head. He has a few tattoos up his hands as well as one on his shoulder and an owl on the back of his neck.

"We're not sure. That's why we came to you. Can you explain, in detail, what happened tonight?" Asked Antonio as he pulled out a notebook, ready to take notes.

I know Antonio has got a close bond with Bella and on that undercover case, he made sure she stayed close to him and that she was never in danger. As soon as he realised it was Bella's house, he ran in there, not caring about what was on the floor; he was on a mission to make sure Bella was okay. Obviously I wasn't there but from what the others told me, Antonio was the most worried out of everyone there. He carried Kat out because he couldn't stand watching her in pain and having to watch her cry over her best friend, begging the Paramedics to save her.

"I allowed Bella to have a party and told her to not let anyone near the bookcase because all the passwords for things are written down in one of the books. I guess this one person who looked at the bookcase, found the code for the lock system and decided to break in, hoping to get into the safe."

"You have cameras. Can we see the footage?" Asked Adam.

"Wish I could, except they are just for show to scare people from robbing the place."

"Didn't really work though did it?" Said Kim.

"Hey! Don't you dare say that. I've tried my entire life to keep Bella safe after she lost her mom."

"Is that why you stabbed her?" Muttered Antonio.

"Can we take a look at the bathroom?" Asked Adam.

Andy nodded and then told them where it was. They knew where it was but they had to act like they weren't all in the house before.

Adam pulled Antonio with him to the bathroom. It was probably not the best considering the white tiles were now red and Antonio is close with Bella but if he is going to say something like that, he isn't to be trusted around Andy.

"I went out with Noah and Kat was watching stuff in her room, I think."

"What is your relation to Noah?"

"Noah is my brother and Kat is my niece."

"Okay. Thank you. We can drop you to the hospital, if you want."

"No thank you. I'm going to clean up."

"We have people who can clean it for you so you can be with Bella."

"No thank you. Noah is out tonight. Can you let Kat know if you see her?"

"Sure. Adam, Antonio, let's go!" Kevin called up to them.

Antonio walked down the stairs before Adam but when I turned to look at him, I knew they got in a fight up there. I grabbed Antonio by the neck, opened my car door and shoved him into the passenger seat.

"Meet you guys at the hospital." I said.

They all nodded and we headed off to hospital. Antonio was biting his nails and bouncing his knees. He could not sit still and I could just tell he was angry.

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