Hurtful Words

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"I'll be back." I said towards Josh and pulled Bella aside and outside of the library doors.

"Sorry. I don't want to distract anyone in there." I said and gave her a small smile.

She didn't smile back, instead she had a frown on her face and looked angry.

"I'm sorry. We were supposed to wait for you, we are studying for a test. You should join." I said quickly but she stayed silent.

She took a deep breath before she spoke or more like shouted.

"Wow. You got your new boyfriend to come and tell me. Couldn't even tell me yourself?" Laughed Bella.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to revise or fuck him in the library?"

"What has gotten in to you, Bella? We have a maths test tomorrow and a chemistry test next Friday."

"You're revising for a test. Might as well flunk it considering your not even going to NYU."

"You said, you would support me with whatever option I was to choose and you even said yourself that you want to stay."

"Yeah, well, I don't and I don't support your decision."


"We grew up in Chicago. We nearly died in Chicago."

"Yeah but we finally have a family. Forget all those bad memories."

"Forget? What just like that?" Said Bella, clicking her fingers.

"No. Just slowly put it behind us and focus on the good memories with our new family."

"New family. Wow. You won't even call your father figure, dad."

"No because the last time I said the word dad, I was begging him to stop throwing glasses at my fucking head."

"We were told to pick someone as our dad."

"No, a legal guardian. Not a dad."

"Yeah but I feel like Jay is an overprotective brother, the same with Will. I don't want to call him dad because it brings back all the bad memories." I said before she said anything else.

"You're telling me you've moved on so quickly?"

"No. I haven't moved on, I'm just trying to slowly forget the memories."

"You're not going to be able to. It will always be with us."

"I'm well aware of that considering my stomach is covered with bruises and I struggle to put on a top without my ribs hurting. You have no bruises on your face that you had to cover up with makeup. I did. And makeup doesn't even work that well." I said.

"So I am well aware that the past will be with me for a lot of my life but I'd rather focus on the future." I said.

"Maybe you should have chosen Hank."

"What does that even mean?"

"What does that even mean? Wow. How the hell did you get into NYU? You're as thick as a nail."

"I meant, what did your snarky comment mean?" I snapped.

"You'd throw a friend in a ditch any day just to get what you want. You'll stay in Chicago to make yourself happy and leave me to go to NYU by myself."

"You know what, Bella?"


"Go fuck yourself."

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