Paper balls

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*No One's Pov*

On Saturday, Kat went shopping with Jay to find a new skateboard and buy some more jeans and baggy tops. Then on Sunday, she met up with Josh and some other guys to go skateboarding whilst Jay and Will were at work.

It was now Monday morning and Kat was dreading going into school. Josh was leaving during Chemistry, meaning he wouldn't be in maths and Kat would have to sit alone with Jocks and the popular girls. Not to mention Bella who had a big purple bruise on her nose and had probably shared it with half the school by now.

When Bella had got to school she went to catch up on some chemistry revision in the library for Wednesday and Antonio went to talk to Miss White, their maths teacher.

"Mr Dawson, you asked to speak to me."

"Yes. I was wondering if you could maybe move Kat to the front of the class."

"I understand that the girls have a close connection and Kat's father works with you."

"I get that but they aren't getting along. Bella doesn't like sitting at the front so is there any chance you could move Kat to the front?"

"Fine. I will. If there is any other arguments, it has nothing to do with me."

"Okay. Thank you."

It was now time for maths class, Kat walked in by herself because Josh had an appointment to go to. She went to head towards the back before she was stopped by Miss White.

"Um, Kat?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Can you sit at the front please?"

"What? We are allowed to sit wherever. I always sit at the back and I never disrupt your class."

"Kat, please don't argue with me."

"Yes, Miss." Said Kat and walked towards the front.

She dumped herself down in a chair as she heard a few laughs coming from the back. She turned around to look but was hit by a paper ball.

"C-can I borrow a pencil?" Asked the guy next to her.

She picked up the paper and opened it, reading what was written. She screwed it up and shoved it into her bag.


"Yes?" She asked turning to the boy who was sat next to her.

"C-can I borrow a pencil?"

"I don't have one."

"You take art, don't you?"


"Oh. What did the note say?"

"Doesn't matter."

"That sounds like a boring note."


"The note. If it said that th-"

"No, I mean it has nothing to do with you."

Another one hit her head but she ignored it and got on with the equations.

"You've got another one." Said the guy as he picked it up.

The guy sat next to her was William, the most nerdiest person in the entire school. He sits by himself at lunch and builds robots with the robotic team. Sometimes he even cleans classrooms with the janitor.

"Thanks." She said and took it off him.

She shoved it in her bag without opening it. William looked at her and then at her bag before finally looking at her head where another one was thrown.

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