Late Night Walks

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*Will's Pov*

"Can I at least speak to Bella before I go?" Asked Kat.

"No." Said Jay and I.

"But Jay." She said.

"But Kat." Responded Jay.

"Jay, please."

"No." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"I just want to apologise."

"She's currently being treated by Ethan."

"Jay. I just want to say two words. That's it."



Hank opened his door to see that Bella was sat on Antonio's chair. Ethan was looking at her nose that had now stopped bleeding and Bella was shooting daggers at Kat.

"I'll tell them about this." Said Bella.

"Who? The jocks? They are suspended."

"No, Amelia and Claire. They will come for you."

"Amelia wouldn't hurt a fly." Said Kat.

"Move along." I said and lightly pushed Kat's back to keep her moving.

We had just walked down the steps and were about to exit through the gate when Jay walked up to us.

"I'll see you in the morning." He said to Kat and kissed her forehead.

"What? You're not coming home tonight?"

"No. I'm sorry. We have a busy case and Hank is sending Antonio home with Bella so we have less people."

"Okay. Be safe." Said Kat and hugged Jay.

"I will be." He said back and kissed her head before jogging back up the steps.

"You want to walk Archie and Pepper?" I asked Kat as soon as we walked through the door to the apartment.

"Yeah." She said and went to get their leads.

"You asked me where I got Archie but I never asked you where you got Pepper from?"

"A heart attack patient came in and didn't make it. I met the animal control lady outside and said I would take her."

"Aw. That's sweet."

"Yeah. So, you ready to go?"

"Yep." She said and handed me Pepper's lead.

"Does Archie pull?"

"No, not really. Only when he sees a squirrel."

"Okay. Go careful. I don't want you hurting your ribs."

"I'll be fine, Will. You don't normally see squirrels late at night."

"It's only 20:00."

"Exactly, night."

"Fair enough." I said.

When we got to the park, we let the dogs off their leads but kept a close eye on them.

"So, what happened at school?" I asked her.

"Nothing much. I walked to school with Josh and then we spent lunch together and we sat next to each other in math."

"Hmm. Josh?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

"Nothing, he seems nice. It's just wasn't he the one who used to bully you."

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