Hi, again

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"So, where do you want to start?" Bella asked.

"I don't know. I need to get him a new name tag with my address on it and then a new collar."

"We'll start there." She said as we walked over to the machine.

"Hi, is there anything I can help you with today?" Asked some guy.

"No. We're fine thank you."

"Have a good day." He said.

Once we got the name tag done, we walked over to the toy section where Archie picked out three toys. A grey and pink Rhino Teddy, a tug of war rope and a pack of three tennis balls.

"How many beds do you need to buy?"

"Maybe three. One for my bedroom, the lounge and maybe one in the dining room so he can sit in the corner when we eat." I suggested.

"Sounds good."

*Jay's Pov*

I agreed to meet Will in the morning to help him buy some stuff for his dog. I met him outside the Pet Shop and then we went in. His dog got a little excited when he saw an English mastiff. These two girls were walking around with this dog that was bigger than them.

We went to look for a bed when we waited because these girls were looking at one. Will and I smiled to each other as we heard their giggles. Will was choosing some dog food and treats as we listened to their conversation.

"Is this one big enough?" Said one of them.

"I don't know. Put it on the floor and let him lay on it."

"Nope, too small." Laughed one.

"How about we just get three of these?"

"Oh yeah. They look hella comfy and they are just the right size."

Will gave a tester treat to his dog as the mastiff came running round the corner. He sat patiently, waiting for a treat from Will.

"Archie!" Called out the girl as she ran around the corner.

Her dark black hair was covering her face but I recognised her voice straight away.

"Sorry about him." She apologised.

"Don't worry about it. He's very well trained." Said Will.

"Yeah. He used to be shy but once I got to know him more, he showed me all of his tricks." She laughed.

"Where did you get him?" Asked Will.

"Um. I found him in an alleyway. I showed my dad and he said we could keep him. I did call the number on his collar but they said they didn't know who I was talking about."

"That's sad but I'm sure you'll take great care of him." I said.

"Yeah. Currently trying to find a bed." Said the girl as her friend walked round the corner holding three beds.

"That one looks comfy." I laughed.

"Yeah. It sure is. He loves it." Said the friend.

The girl lifted up her head and that's when I smiled a bit.

"Hey, Kat." I said.


"Bella." I smiled.

"Hi, again." She sighed.

"I'm Will. How do you guys know each other?"

"The unit went to their school the other day to check it for safety reasons. Plus I saw Bella last night by that fire on the South Side."

"You're investigating it?" Kat asked.

"Yeah. You know anything?"


"Well if you do, c-"

"-I just told you I don't." She snapped.

"I'm just saying."

"Back off detective." Said Bella.

"It was nice meeting you, Will." Said Kat as they turned around and left.

I watched as they grabbed a lead and then went to pay. They already had food and all the essentials, including the bowls and poo bags.

Kat looked over one last time as she moved her hair out of her face. I smiled and went to look away but saw a bruise by her eye so stopped.

"Are you alright to get the last bits?" I asked Will.

"Yeah. You okay?"

"Yeah." I said as I jogged out of the shop and towards the girls.

Bella walked inside the pharmacy and Kat stood outside with the bags and Archie. I watched as Bella walked out in a huff with some medical supplies, like bandages and plasters.

"What's up?" Asked Kat.

"They won't sell me any paracetamol because of my age."


Kat walked into the shop and picked up ibuprofen and paracetamol before placing them on the counter. Yes, Kat looks older than her actual age but she can't pass as eighteen.


"18." Said Kat.

"You got ID to prove it?"

"Yeah." Said Kat as she handed them an ID.

The woman looked at it, a little skeptical, before asking for money.

"Five dollars." She said.

Kat handed her the money but I stepped in before the woman could take it.

"She's not eighteen." I said.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Asked Kat.

"Don't be a dick. She's fifteen. You need to check IDs better." I said as I paid for the meds.

"I'll drop you back home and then I'm taking you to the district." I said as Will walked out.

"Like hell you are." Snapped Kat.

"Jay. Just leave them."

"Listen to Will." Said Bella.

"Where's the bruise from?" I asked Kat.

"What bruise?"

"The one right here." I said as I touched the spot on her face.

I saw Kat wince in pain before she smacked my hand out the way.

"When Josh threw me into that locker."

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not."

I handed her the paracetamol and ibuprofen as she handed me five dollars.

"I'm not taking your money."

"Just take it." She said and gave it to Will.

Bella and Kat walked away from us with their bags but I shouted out to Kat before she could get too far.

"Where's the bruise from, Kat?" I shouted.

"Fuck off, Halstead." Shouted back Bella.

"Did someone abuse you?" I shouted.

Will smacked me round the back of the head and I went to turn to face him but before I could, Kat shoved me into the wall.

"Keep your voice down. I'm not getting abused. Now, leave me the hell alone."

"Did you spray paint that boy's house?"

"If only you knew the whole story."

"Then tell me."

She turned to walk off but I grabbed her wrist. She winced in pain and shook me off of her as she jogged back over to Bella.

"She is hiding something."

"Leave it, for now. If she comes to you, support her. If not, leave it." Said Will as we walked to our cars.

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