We are not sure

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When we got to the hospital, I legged it out of the car and through the ER doors. Crockett and Will met me at the doors but Maggie pulled Will back and got Ethan to swap places with him.

"Maggie? Let me help." He begged.

"No. She's close to you."

"Maggie, please."

"Sit with Jay and the others or tend to other patients."

Will walked over to me and led me to outside of her room. I watched as they cut off pieces of clothing to try and get to her wounds.

"Jay, what was she like in the car?" Asked Ethan.

"In and out if consciousness. Slurred a few words and didn't make much sense."

"Thanks. You can stand by the door but stay out of the way." Said Ethan before he turned back to Kat.

"I need a chest X-ray, MRI and an Ultrasound for possible internal bleeding."

"Yes, doc." Said a nurse as they started to pull a machine over.

Everyone ran in at the worst time as the machine started beeping rapidly.

*No One's Pov*

Her fragile body pulsed as the electric ran through her. The beeping was soon drowned out. The one feeling that she had been searching for her entire life had finally reached her. Because suddenly, the world went quiet.

The faints sobs of her real family were drowned out as the sound of the beeping was also no longer heard. Everyone was stood holding each other as Kat's body rocked from side to side, slowly. The chest compressions moved her slightly but that was the doctors doing that, it wasn't actually Kat moving.

They were brought back to reality when a gasp and a few coughs was heard from the room. The beeping had gone back to a steady rhythm and Kat was breathing again.

"Jay. Where's Jay?" She asked in panic.

*Jay's Pov*

I watched as Ethan pointed towards me and then a nurse pulled me into the room. I looked down at Kat as she gave me a small smile and pulled my ear down to where her mouth was.

"Thank you." She whispered, raising her head a little to speak before she let it fall back on the bed.

"We need to get her to surgery. Now! Someone call surgery and tell them we're coming up!" Shouted Ethan.

It felt like days before Ethan walked through the doors to tell us news about Kat. I immediately rose from my seat and stood close to him to clearly hear what he was saying.

"She's lost a lot of blood and is currently not stable. We stiched up any bleeding on the inside and we had to remove her spleen due to how ruptured it was."

"Will she be okay?" I asked.

"We are not sure, currently. She isn't stable either."

"Meaning?" Asked Hank.

"She is currently intubated to help her breathe."

"Oh my god." I said, rubbing my hands over my face.

"Can we see her?"

"Yes and one more thing. She had a few broken ribs so we have left them where they are, hoping they will heal on their own." Said Ethan as he led the unit and I over to her room.

"Two at a time. The rest of you can wait in this quieter waiting room." Said Ethan.

"Thanks." Smiled Kevin and lightly touched his shoulder.

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